Uncategorized Tim Perry Uncategorized Tim Perry

Journey Group Leader Kickoff - Resources

etemp logo file If you'd like some electronic resources that we used at the leadership kickoff, click on the links below!  This first group are those Tim Perry talked about in his session on Building Evangelistic Culture in your Journey Group.

Building Evangelistic Culture



Nine Principles of Relational Evangelism - Randall Neighbor

seeker friendly small groups Reid Smith

Here's the entire powerpoint presentation in a PDF document from the Leadership Kickoff event.

Journey Group Kickoff 2016


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Uncategorized Robert Murphy Uncategorized Robert Murphy

Discipleship Opportunity: Fan Into Flame

Fan Into Flame is a young adult discipleship program. It is organized by John Oerter and Kelli Barth. The vision is to connect younger Christians with older Christians in one-on-one discipleship relationships. Mentoring is needed with all ages, and is encouraging for both the mentor and recepient. Fan Into Flame is planning on kicking this off in late May. For more information, and/or to sign up, please visit their website at http://fan.intoflame.org.

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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

Curriculum - What's New

This is a recommendation list is taken from a small group blogger Mark Howell fall 2015 curriculum reviews.  He provides some insightful reviews of curriculum that has hit the shelves this year. Here are a few thoughts on choosing a study.

1. Consider God Pray about what to use next, ask God for direction. If you have people in your group who would be helpful with this invite them to join with you and discuss how God is answering your prayers.

2. Consider yourself as the leader Are there studies that take advantage of your strengths and passions? Choose a topic that is meaningful to you. God would build on what he is doing in you or is there an area you are not familiar with or needing to be developed? This would be a great way to grow.

3. Consider your group What are the needs, struggles, desires and interests your group members have? Find ways to build on how God is at work in their lives.

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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

30 Days to Live Group Participant Guide - Session 4








30 Days to Live Group Participant Guide

Session 4

Launching Question: How would you most like to be remembered?

Connecting Question 1: Where is your treasure? Besides your family, what earthly blessings do you most treasure? How would having more of an eternal perspective change your priorities? If you realize your treasure is on earth, what do you need to do to shift your treasure toward heaven?

Connection Question 2: Defeat materialism What kind of greed or materialism do you need to guard against? Be specific (you might say, “I care too much about money.” “I focus too much on my yard.” or “I’m too into my appearance.”) How will you allow God to change you?

Connection Question 3: Unleash enormous good In what ways has God demonstrated his generosity toward you? How does seeing God as generous help us to be more generous? Where does God want you to become more generous?

Connection Question 4: Stockpile in Heaven What does it mean to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness?” What are you currently focusing on that doesn’t really matter? What are you neglecting that does matter? What are you going to do to let God change you?

Scripture: Luke 12:13-21 What is the main point of Jesus’ story? V.16-21 How can we be rich toward God? How can you build a rich relationship with God?

Application & Prayer

Circle one option you will work on this week

1. Spend time with God, acknowledging the earthly treasures you have valued more than knowing Him. Ask Him to show you what it looks like to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Surrender each of your earthly treasures to God. What changes will you make in order to focus on what really matters? 2. Surrender your finances and material possessions to God. Ask Him to show you the changes to make regarding your sending and giving. Take steps this week to invest in God’s kingdom by being more generous with your time and money. 3. Filter your decisions this week through the question, “Would I do this if I only had 30 days to live?” Make a list of those things that matter most and make this your “to do” list for the next 30 days.

Close with prayer

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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

30 Days to Live Group Leaders Guide - Session 4








30 Days to Live Group Leaders Guide Session 4

Materials needed: Mark’s Video Message, there are two options to obtain this. 1. Go online to http://www.cccomaha.org/message-archive.php to “Send it Ahead” message delivered August 30, 2015. Cue up the segments using the counter prompts below. 2. Request a DVD with the message segments to Reid Brown at reidb@cccomaha.org or 402-938-1561. Keep in mind these DVD’s won’t be available until later in the week of the message since they are produced weekly.

Participant Guide available on the Journey Group Leader Blog. http://cccomaha.org/blogs/journeygroupleaders/ Participant Guide: Total Video Time: 13:32 minutes; Discussion Time: 37 minutes; Teaching: 5 minutes; Application & Prayer: 10 minutes- 65:32 minutes total.

Session 4 Outline

Launching Question: (5 min.) How would you most like to be remembered?

Connecting Question 1: Where is your treasure? ( 8 min.) 5:25-7:48 Besides your family, what earthly blessings do you most treasure? How would having more of an eternal perspective change your priorities? If you realize your treasure is on earth, what do you need to do to shift your treasure toward heaven?

Connection Question 2: Defeat materialism ( 8 min.) 9:44-13:06 What kind of greed or materialism do you need to guard against? Be specific (you might say, “I care too much about money.” “I focus too much on my yard.” or “I’m too into my appearance.”) How will you allow God to change you?

Connection Question 3: Unleash enormous good ( 8 min.) 35:13-36:56 In what ways has God demonstrated his generosity toward you? How does seeing God as generous help us to be more generous? Where does God want you to become more generous?

Connection Question 4: Stockpile in Heaven ( 8 min.) 41:23-46:47 What does it mean to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness?” What are you currently focusing on that doesn’t really matter? What are you neglecting that does matter? What are you going to do to let God change you?

Scripture: Luke 12:13-21 ( 5 min.) What is the main point of Jesus’ story? V.16-21 How can we be rich toward God? How can you build a rich relationship with God?

Application & Prayer (10 min.) Circle one option you will work on this week 1. Spend time with God, acknowledging the earthly treasures you have valued more than knowing Him. Ask Him to show you what it looks like to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. Surrender each of your earthly treasures to God. What changes will you make in order to focus on what really matters? 2. Surrender your finances and material possessions to God. Ask Him to show you the changes to make regarding your sending and giving. Take steps this week to invest in God’s kingdom by being more generous with your time and money. 3. Filter your decisions this week through the question, “Would I do this if I only had 30 days to live?” Make a list of those things that matter most and make this your “to do” list for the next 30 days.

Close with prayer

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Uncategorized Tim Perry Uncategorized Tim Perry

Journey Group Discussion Guide for 1 John

HowDoIKnow_Title_960x720 Hey Journey Group Leader,

Here’s where you’ll find the Study Guide materials that are a companion to the How Do I Know message series.  Below is the link to download the PDF of the discussion guide.  The link to the videos will follow later in the month as we get closer to the launch of the series.

How Do I Know - Discussion Guide

Feel free to download, copy and forward not only the PDF of the discussion guide, but also the links to the videos.  Feel free to comment on this blog post or email me directly with questions you have about any of the studies as you prepare to lead them.

Thanks so much!

Tim Perry


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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

Curriculum Options Fall 2015

There are three ways curriculum serves as a resource for your group.1. Curriculum engages people with God’s Word. Participants need to connect with God through His Word and this should be done accurately, clearly and dynamically as possible. 2. Curriculum facilitates interaction and discussion. It’s important to have people engage in discussion and participate. The recommended studies have carefully developed formats that promotes discussion around the Word of God and people’s life experiences. 3. Curriculum encourages application. Group members should discover the ways God is prompting and urging them to live differently.  As your group begins to meet here are several curriculum resources available to you.

The first curriculum we’d like you to use in September is the How Do I Know – 1 John message series How Do I How Do I Know - Discussion Guide. Starting September 6th, messages will be on the book of 1 John. We would like all groups to use this curriculum during this message series. It is four sessions long and has:

1. A free downloadable discussion guide that’s been put together by Tim Perry with the help of Lisa Ashton, Nancy Davies and Reid Brown. 2. Tim has also crafted a video teaching segment for each session. This will be available for viewing along with the discussion guide on the Journey Group Leaders Blog on the cccomaha.org website. We won’t be producing DVD’s for this study.

The sessions are designed to be conducted by reading the passage out of 1 John, watching the teaching video and launching into the discussion questions.

After 1 John we have several recommendations for you to consider throughout the year. Fall 2015 suggestions

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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

30 Days to Live Session 3 - Participant Guide








30 Days to Live Group Participant Guide

Session 3

Launching Question: Were you more of a troublemaker or a peacemaker as a child? In what way?

Connection Question 1: Love deeply What does it mean to love deeply? What is the major difference between God’s love and natural human affection? How can loving deeply bring peace to our strained relationships? Above everything else, Jesus instructs us to love others as He loves us. What would it look like for you to make this your highest goal in your relationships?

Connection Question 2: Confess humbly What does it look like to confess humbly? What attitudes or fears do you need to overcome to confess humbly? Who is God asking you to take a step toward confessing humbly?

Connection Question 3:Forgive irrationally What is irrational about God’s forgiveness? On what basis does God forgive us? Aside from Christ, what is the greatest act of forgiveness you’ve witnessed? How does our forgiving others give witness to the reality of Christ in us?

Scripture:Colossians 3:10-17 How well do you get along with others? What does it mean to clothe yourself with love? How does this promote unity? What role does thankfulness play in experiencing the peace of Christ and harmony with others? Why is unity important to Christ and His kingdom?

Application & Prayer Circle one option you will work on this week 1. Spend time praying about your relationships. List anyone who may have a grievance against you. Ask the Lord to show you what you need to ask forgiveness for. Set a time to talk to each person and ask their forgiveness. 2. Make a list of your sins (ways you’ve failed to love God and others). Ponder how much you have been forgiven and how much mercy God has shown you. Write across your list “paid in full.” Make another list, this time of those you need to forgive. Below each name write the sins against you. Since Christ also died for these sins, write “paid in full” across this list. Tell God your decision to forgive as He has forgiven you. Destroy both lists.

Close with prayer

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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

30 Days to Live Session 3 Leaders Guide








30 Days to Live Group Leaders Guide Session 3

Materials needed: Mark’s Video Message, there are two options to obtain this. 1. Go online to http://www.cccomaha.org/message-archive.php to “Fight for Peace” message delivered August 23, 2015. Cue up the segments using the counter prompts below. 2. Request a DVD with the message segments to Reid Brown at reidb@cccomaha.org or 402-938-1561. Keep in mind these DVD’s won’t be available until later in the week of the message since they are produced weekly.

Participant Guide available on the Journey Group Leader Blog. http://cccomaha.org/blogs/journeygroupleaders/ Participant Guide: Total Video Time: 13:28 minutes; Discussion Time: 35 minutes; Teaching: 5 minutes; Application & Prayer: 10 minutes- 63:28 minutes total.

Session 3 Outline

Launching Question (5 min.): Were you more of a troublemaker or a peacemaker as a child? In what way?

Video clip 1: Love Deeply (9:09-13:35) - 4:51 min.

Connecting Question 1 (10 min.) What does it mean to love deeply? What is the major difference between God’s love and natural human affection? How can loving deeply bring peace to our strained relationships? Above everything else, Jesus instructs us to love others as He loves us. What would it look like for you to make this your highest goal in your relationships?

Video clip 2: Confess humbly (20:37-24:48)- 4:11 min.

Connection Question 2 (10 min) What does it look like to confess humbly? What attitudes or fears do you need to overcome to confess humbly? Who is God asking you to take a step toward confessing humbly?

Video clip 3: Forgive irrationally (24:49-29:00) 4:51 min.

Connection Question 3 (10 min) What is irrational about God’s forgiveness? On what basis does God forgive us? Aside from Christ, what is the greatest act of forgiveness you’ve witnessed? How does our forgiving others give witness to the reality of Christ in us?

Teaching 5 minutes Colossians 3:10-17 How well do you get along with others? What does it mean to clothe yourself with love? How does this promote unity? What role does thankfulness play in experiencing the peace of Christ and harmony with others? Why is unity important to Christ and His kingdom?

Application & Prayer 10 minutes Circle one option you will work on this week (2 min.) 1. Spend time praying about your relationships. List anyone who may have a grievance against you. Ask the Lord to show you what you need to ask forgiveness for. Set a time to talk to each person and ask their forgiveness. 2. Make a list of your sins (ways you’ve failed to love God and others). Ponder how much you have been forgiven and how much mercy God has shown you. Write across your list “paid in full.” Make another list, this time of those you need to forgive. Below each name write the sins against you. Since Christ also died for these sins, write “paid in full” across this list. Tell God your decision to forgive as He has forgiven you. Destroy both lists.

Close with prayer (10 min.)

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Uncategorized Reid Brown Uncategorized Reid Brown

30 Days to Live Session 2- Participant Guide








30 Days to Live Group Participant Guide

Session 2

Launching Question : What character qualities do you find most attractive in other people?

Connecting Question 1: Live how God wants us to live If an alien where to observe your life up close for one month, what conclusions might he come to about your convictions (beliefs)? If you could instantly change one thing about how you are living, what would it be? How is your life producing good fruit that will be a legacy to those you love?

Connection Question 2: Say the words God want you to say If you have lost a loved one, share something you regret not saying to them while they were alive. What are some important things we need to say to others during our time on earth? Why do we put off saying the things that are most important?

Connection Question 3: Die when you need to die What would you need to do now that you’re fairly certain God has prepared for you to do? A heathy goal is something you can accomplish without the help or cooperation of others. If you had only 30 days to live, what is one goal you would work towards that would impact others in a meaningful way?

Connection Question 4: Leave a legacy The key to leaving a legacy is to live by convictions God gives us, not by our preferences. What would your family say are your strongest convictions? What godly convictions do you need to develop?

Application & Prayer Circle one option you will work on this week 1. Make a list of people whom you most desire to impact with your life. Beside each name, write out what you want to say by completing the thought: Above all else, here’s what I want you to know. Set a deadline for sharing this with them. 2. Complete the thought: I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I may _______________. Write down three things you know God wants you to do with your life. Start praying regularly about how God will accomplish this through you. 3. Ask the Lord to show you any areas where you are not currently living as He has called you to live. Surrender these areas to Him and invite the Holy Spirit to live through you.

Close with prayer

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