Curriculum Options Fall 2015

There are three ways curriculum serves as a resource for your group.1. Curriculum engages people with God’s Word. Participants need to connect with God through His Word and this should be done accurately, clearly and dynamically as possible. 2. Curriculum facilitates interaction and discussion. It’s important to have people engage in discussion and participate. The recommended studies have carefully developed formats that promotes discussion around the Word of God and people’s life experiences. 3. Curriculum encourages application. Group members should discover the ways God is prompting and urging them to live differently.  As your group begins to meet here are several curriculum resources available to you.

The first curriculum we’d like you to use in September is the How Do I Know – 1 John message series How Do I How Do I Know - Discussion Guide. Starting September 6th, messages will be on the book of 1 John. We would like all groups to use this curriculum during this message series. It is four sessions long and has:

1. A free downloadable discussion guide that’s been put together by Tim Perry with the help of Lisa Ashton, Nancy Davies and Reid Brown. 2. Tim has also crafted a video teaching segment for each session. This will be available for viewing along with the discussion guide on the Journey Group Leaders Blog on the website. We won’t be producing DVD’s for this study.

The sessions are designed to be conducted by reading the passage out of 1 John, watching the teaching video and launching into the discussion questions.

After 1 John we have several recommendations for you to consider throughout the year. Fall 2015 suggestions

Reid Brown

CCC Director of Discipleship


Journey Group Discussion Guide for 1 John


30 Days to Live Session 3 - Participant Guide