Leader's notes for the "Where's God When..." King David series

Journey Group leaders -

This coming Sunday, August 23rd, launches a new series on the life of King David. This morning I got my hands on the final publication of the "study guide" (for lack of a better term I suppose).

This slick little guide contains devotionals, 12 Journey Group studies, cool facts and info on the life of David, along with a place for note-taking for the sermons on Sunday mornings.

These will be made available this Sunday to the CCC family. I encourage you to encourage your group members to jump on these considering the fact that most Journey Groups will benefit from this being our fall kick-off curriculum.

ALSO - to make your life as a leader a little easier, we (the contributors) have also hammered out some "leader's notes" for you to have as you dive in. These notes will give you more confidence and a little bit of background before and during your group time.

Here it is: Where is God When Leader Guide

Thanks for leading people into discipleship and community,
Dusty White


double your impact AS A GROUP


Come and see for yourself part II (small group guide or prayer guide)