Come and see for yourself part II (small group guide or prayer guide)

The following is a follow up to the post titled "come and see for yourself" that is located on the general Journey Group blog (not the leader blog). Please note that this approach assumes repentance and faith and that people are Christ-followers (you wouldn't want to use this in the wrong environment). I used this approach with our CCC staff team this morning...

Based on John 1:35-51 - Jesus calls the disciples

Quick discussion - Where were you (not necessarily physically) and what were the circumstances surrounding your first encounter with Jesus? How much did you know about Jesus when you decided to follow Him?

Praise and thanksgiving are a natural result of God granting us grace and calling us to His side.

* Spend some time approaching God with hearts of thankfulness.

Quick discussion - What is one of the biggest obstacles that you are facing right now as a follower of Christ? Where do you need God's guidance, discernment, and leading?

Following focused prayers are a natural result of our personal obstacles as we journey with Jesus.

* Spend some time praying and seeking God for these stories and more.

Quick discussion - Jesus invited his disciples to the journey of faith. Who (names) are you currently inviting? How are you using Jesus' "come and see" approach to ministry in your own life right now?

Jesus' methods of ministry were very intriguing as He invited people into His life.

* Spend some time praying for these people in your life. Intercede for their souls with the heart of Jesus. Pray that your "come and see" life will draw them to the foot of the cross.


Leader's notes for the "Where's God When..." King David series


on the road again