What is an Environment?
We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s chosen teacher and it is He who causes spiritual growth and formation when and as He chooses, our Kids Connect curriculum is designed to have ten environments that we desire our parents and leaders will help create in the home and at church. Think of an environment as a “climate”…what kind of climate did your home have growing up? What kind of climate do we want kids to experience God in? In this model, kids won’t necessarily “know” the environment or learn about it, they simply get to “live in it” as we understand their value and create it for them.
Following is a statement that captures the essence of each of these ten environments:
- Storytelling- “God has a Big Story and I can be a part of it!”
- Identity- “I belong to God and He loves me!”
- Faith Community- “God’s family cares for each other and worships God together.”
- Serving- “Asks the question, ‘What needs to be done?’”
- Out of the Comfort Zone- “God transforms me when I step out in faith”
- Responsibility- “God has entrusted me with the things and people around me that He has created”
- Course Correction- “When I get off track, God offers me a path of healing”
- Love and Respect- “God fills me with His love so I can give it away”
- Knowing- “God knows me and I can know Him”
- Modeling- “I see Christ in others and they can see Him in me”
You can find the monthly environment on the HomeFront handout given to your child each week or at http://cccomaha.org/kids-connect.php. Click HomeFront under the News Feed to view the parent weekly or monthly HomeFront.
HomeFront monthly is a great resource to help with planning family activities based on the 10 environments. Each month highlights one environment. The ideas are designed for families with kids of all ages and are a snap to organize.
Not sure how to pull off a family night? Experience a HomeFront night on Friday February 8, 2013 from 6:30-8:00PM.
Resource available: Spiritual Parenting by Dr. Michelle Anthony; you can purchase at the Resource booth in the Atrium or from a Kid’s Connect staff member for $15.
The Environment of Storytelling
Who doesn’t love a good story? Ever noticed the change in the pews when the pastor shifts gears and begins to tell a story? Heads pop up, folks sit up straighter, even kids stop goofing around. A story is a wonderful tool. As parents, we can use the environment of storytelling as a powerful method of getting our children’s attention. God has given us two amazing stories of redemption to tell our children and help put them on the path of the divine (so that the heart-changer, the Holy Spirit, can do His work). Now, the trick is we need to be sharing these stories with our children. In a world that encourages people to believe “it is all about ME,” we have the opportunity to tell our children a different story. This is God’s story, THE story, the one that is all about HIM....from the creation of the world to today to the day that Jesus returns. This mindset will have us swimming against the stream of culture. However, let us not miss the chance to share with our kids the greatest story ever told. In a culture of “heroes” who fall each and every day, we have the true hero - Jesus! And while we are not the center of THE story, we each have a wonderful role to play as supporting actors or actresses. We can tell our children, “You are a part of God’s amazing story! He has given you a unique part and given you gifts and talents to be able to play that part!” We can encourage our children to live expectantly, looking for how God wants to use them in His story. Life isn’t all about us, but it sure is an exciting adventure. I have a friend who put a colorful sign on their back door as a reminder each time they left their home. It read. “Who will God put in your life today? Be watching.” We can talk about God’s Big Story and how we are a part of it all of the time. As God instructs in Deuteronomy 6, “talk about them [these commandments] when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
The Kids Connect curriculum used by CCC does a wonderful job of storytelling. The Bible stories that the kids learn are not isolated lessons, they are told as a part of the tapestry of God’s Big Story! As parents, we should not be afraid to tackle explaining The Big God Story to our children. Remember, we don’t have to be Bible experts, and there are wonderful tools available to help us with this task. The book, Spiritual Parenting, and its accompanying DVD series (which are available at the media booth in the atrium) include a visual tool that we can use to tell God’s story to our kids. Also, Dr. Michelle Anthony wrote a children’s book called The Big God Story. This book takes readers from the beginning of God’s story to Jesus’ return. The Big God Story points readers to Jesus as the hero and places each of us in God’s Story as well. The Jesus Storybook Bible is another wonderful resource for Bible stories that each point to Jesus Christ as the main character of the Big Story.
The second story that we have the opportunity and responsibility to tell our children is our own! The Big God Story tells how God redeemed the world through His son, and our own story tells how we have been redeemed through the power of Christ. We assume that our kids know that we have a faith in Christ, but do they know how we came to that faith? If they don’t know how we got here, how can we expect them to know how to have a faith in Christ for themselves? Our stories may be simple or
complicated, “boring” or filled with twists and turns. Each of our faith stories is unique. But, God desires to use each of them. I encourage you to take time to think about your own story, maybe even write down your thoughts. Be prepared to talk with your kids about it “when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deut. 6:7) We can begin to share parts of our story even when our kids are little. A conversation with my kids might start something like, “Have I ever told you about my friend Morrow and how I could tell there was something different about her? Her love for Jesus shined through.” Or, since our stories are each continuing day by day, I can share how I saw Jesus at work in my life today as He spoke to me through His Word. As we let our kids in on the fact that we have our own story and are each a part of God’s Big Story, they can start to envision the role that they play as well.
Some of us may feel ill-equipped for this storytelling task....take heart! Although we are never going to be perfect parents, we were chosen to be just the right parents for our children. And, we are given the opportunity to put them in the path of a perfect God. Praise the Lord!
Portions of this blog were adapted from "Spiritual Parenting" by Michelle Anthony
Spiritual Parenting
Spiritual parenting is not perfect parenting! Most parents judge their success by the behaviors that their children exhibit. I would like to propose that the goal in parenting is to pass on a vibrant transforming faith so our children hear and discern God's voice, desire to obey God's voice in the power of God's spirit. Ephesians 5:15-17 speaks of being wise, not unwise and the importance of making the most of every opportunity. As parents we want to redeem the time (all the moments) that we have with our children. This is our role as spiritual parents.
In order to redeem the time we have with our children we desire to place our children in the path of the divine so that they grow to know, love and follow Jesus. I can control the behavior of my children but I can't cause the internal change; heart change is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit. That is why we as parents we want to place our kids in environments where God can be put on display.
I remember the relief I experienced when I acknowledged it is not my job to cause my children to have a transforming faith. Placing that responsibility where it beings, in the hands of our redeeming, transforming God allowed me to set aside a burden that I was erroneously carrying. It also helped me to dispel the lie that managing behavior resulted in spiritual growth in my children. This doesn't mean I ignore my responsibility to train my children but I do this with the confidence that God knows what my children need more than I do. God is the source I draw from as I parent.
The curriculum utilized by CCC in Kids Connect has a parent component called HomeFront. Each week an environment (way in which God is placed in a child's path) is highlighted in the HomeFront weekly. Take notice of this section of your HomeFront to help you grow in your knowledge of how to spiritually lead your children. Next time you walk by the large wood walls in the Kid's Connect hallways, read the 10 environments on the board. Want to know more? Purchase the book "Spiritual Parenting" at the media booth in the atrium. Another way to learn more is to take the Spiritual Parenting class OR even better, use the DVD series with your Journey Group or others. Call the Kids Connect office to reserve the Spiritual Parenting curriculum for your group.
Portions of this blog were adapted from "Spiritual Parenting" by Michelle Anthony
Promotion Sunday is here!
Promotion Sunday in Kids Connect is this Sunday! Make sure to take your children to the grade they will be in, this fall. For the younger kiddos, they will move up a year. We will also all be back in our regular rooms, on the correct floor on Sunday!!
Thanks for hanging with us, the remodeling still continues. It will be great to be back in our 'home' territory.
See you Sunday!
Update on the renovation in the Education Center
Phase 2 is well underway, and we are all upstairs. The painting is complete, along with all floor coverings. The Chapel and the foyer have been redone, along with new lighting in the ceiling. The first wedding in the Chapel is scheduled for August 4th.
The doorway into the room across from the Chapel has been removed and they are preparing that area for the new automated check-in desk. The Kids Connect main entrance on the Southeast side of the building, will be completed around the end of September, so automated check-in will wait until that area is finished. I've posted some pictures on the CCC Kids Connect page, take a look and 'like' us!
We are on track to be in our correct rooms on Promotion Sunday, August 19, 2012.
Thanks so much for your patience and cooperation during the renovation. The changes will be well worth the wait!
Renovation, phase 2 is about to start!
They will start 1st floor work on Monday July 2 on ceilings, lighting, paint, carpet, tile, and the new Kids Connect entrance! They will also start the remodel of the Chapel, replace the brick flooring and create the new automated check-in station for Kids Connect.
Beginning July 1 divisions on the EC 1st floor will be relocating to the 2nd floor areas listed below:
- Toddler / Orange hallway
- Older Toddler / Blue hallway
- Young Preschool / Blue hallway
- Older Preschool / Green hallway
- Kindergarten / Orange hallway
- 1st-3rd grade / Orange hallway
Informational cards with maps and locations will be handed out in all classrooms June 24 - July 15.
Grades 4 and 5 will remain in their current location during the entire renovation.
The entire renovation is scheduled to be completed by the end of August. We anticipate all divisions returning to their permanent location by Promotion Sunday, August 19.
Thanks so much in advance for your patience and cooperation with these changes this summer. It will be worth the effort, as the changes will be new and exciting!
Renovation of the Education Center (EC) is scheduled to begin on May 27!
Phase 1 of the renovation includes all EC classrooms and corridors on the 2nd floor, and work will begin on the entrance by the outside playground. This will be converted into the new Kids Connect entrance! Beginning May 27 divisions on the EC 2nd floor will be relocating to the 1st floor areas listed below:
- Older Preschool – Yellow Hallway
- Kindergarten – EC188
- 1st Grade – EC178 (Fireside Room)
- 2nd/3rd Grade – Chapel
- Young Preschool and Older Toddler divisions will be consolidating departments in order to free up classroom space (this information will be available at the check-in tables).
Informational cards with maps and locations will be handed out in all classrooms on May 13th and May 20th.
Grades 4 and 5 will remain in their current location during the entire renovation. Toddler departments will remain in their current location during Phase 1.
Phase 2 work on EC 1st floor classrooms, corridors, and chapel begins July 1. All divisions will relocate to the 2nd floor on July 1. We will update the blog with details for Phase 2 in early June.
The entire renovation is scheduled to be completed by the end of August. We anticipate all divisions returning to their permanent location by Promotion Sunday, August 19.
Thanks so much in advance for your patience and cooperation with these changes this summer. It will be worth the effort, as the changes will be new and exciting!
Parents, we have a free ebook to offer you!
‘Nexus: Central Themes in Children's Ministry’ is available for purchase through Amazon! From April 1st, for five days you can go to the below link and ‘purchase’ the book without cost to you! Many of Children’s Ministries key leaders have provided input, including our own Nancy Davies! Our prayer is that this book will impact all those serving children and families across the world.
What's the point of children's ministry? Setting aside the finer details, what's the big idea of why children's ministry is done at all? Is it to disciple kids, equip parents, lead children to Christ -- of all the things, what's primary? Nexus is an exploration of the central and most important goals and priorities in children's ministry. You'll find wisdom and Biblical guidance from leaders in children's ministry who desire the best for kids and their parents.
Below is an excerpt from Nancy Davies’ article;
I watched and listened to 100+ people from our congregation tell their faith stories as they were baptized. Young and old filed into the water and came out smiling, cheering, proud to be able to declare publicly that they were followers of Jesus. As a minister to kids, I relish listening at baptism services. It’s in these moments of liquid confessions of faith that I like to think that the hours of hearing Bible stories, singing of God's love and sharing tales of faithfulness have a hand in the decision to become Christ followers. I smile as I hear the testimony of kids that asked their mom or dad to pray with them after they came home from Sunday or Wednesday church programming. Or I hear the story of a student returned from a mission trip where God got a hold of her heart and she declares that she won't ride the fence any longer; she has heard from God and is placing her feet firmly on the side of walking with Christ. I leave the service walking with a lighter step. Yes, all the hours planning lessons, recruiting volunteers, planning events is worth the effort because lives are being changed.
Is there a thread that runs through the testimonies giving us a picture of how spiritual formation occurs? From Bible memorization, making church fun, serious Bible study, leading parents, bringing kids to salvation…what is the most important? When we strip away all the fluff, what can and should be the church’s priority in ministering to kids?
To read the rest of Nancy's article and all of the other's, go to the Amazon Link and download the book for free! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007JL627I
How parents can benefit by helping their child's classroom on Sunday
Parents; Have you ever considered helping out in your child’s classroom on Sunday morning? Here are a few ways serving in children’s ministry can benefit you and your family: Relationship with your child: First, children overall are more excited and interested when you take a part in what they are doing. Being in the classroom is a great way to spend time with your child. It also affords you the opportunity to meet other parents and develop relationships with them. It gives you the opportunity to observe the friendships your child has built at church, and possibly see an opportunity to foster relationships outside of Sunday morning. After all, relationships with families that have similar values as yours help kids to grow up with confidence and confidants!
Relationships with other adults: In the Sunday morning setting, there are seasoned and brand new volunteers, volunteers of all ages, parents and non-parents. It takes all kinds to make the ministry run well. You can learn a lot from one another, and it is a great place to get ideas from experienced leaders on how to teach your own child. You don’t need special skills or experience, just be a caring person that treats the kids in the group the way you would want an adult leader to love and mentor your own child. It’s about relationship building! It is a perfect place to get to know other adults and parents, and to build a network of adults to lean on. Serving the church on Sunday mornings allows you to fill the role of being a contributor to the body of CCC.
Your Child: Having the opportunity to see how your child interacts with others in the classroom allows you to see where your child might need encouragement, course correction or other avenues to express themselves and succeed. Do you know your child’s top three character traits? We all know what our children are good at, like being polite or funny, or listening well in class, but we don’t often think about their deeper character strengths like wisdom, kindness, perseverance and curiosity. However, these traits are what really make our children tick and what motivates them.
Spiritual Parenting: Reality is you, as a parent, function as the spiritual leader in your home, whether you want to or not. Having a greater awareness of the Sunday morning lesson content can help you, as a parent, take the learning one step further during the week. Opportunities to make connections between real life and the spiritual truth discussed on Sunday morning are less likely to get passed over. This will give you a place to start, in order to get into better Biblical conversations at home. Also, understanding the foundation being laid during the grade school years will help prepare you for the teachings in middle school and high school, and allow you to help your child transition to Student Ministries.
Spiritual Growth: Spiritual truths and learning are valuable to all of us. Whether you are coming in at ground level or a seasoned believer, the lessons taught help you get on the same page with your child. You can learn right along with your child, or you can get a better awareness of your child’s level of spiritual understanding by observing them and their peers in the classroom (and in many cases, you might be pleasantly surprised!)
4/14 Window: Statistics show high percentages of teens and young adults ages 15 to 24 are departing from the Christian values they were raised with, so it becomes critical to aim lower at the 4 to 14 [age] as the beginning place for significant concentration. We are looking for leaders to come alongside kids to build a strong faith, and help them to take it on as their own.
Authors: Darla Bair, Dawn Belknap, Shelley Brooks
How to do family night - CCC can help
Do you struggle with planning a family night? Do you run out of ideas or things to do to make it fun? Are you looking for topics from the Bible to discuss, but aren’t sure where to even start? The Kids Connect team would like to come alongside you and help you with some tips and ideas, using the Homefront Monthly Magazine. On February 10th, bring the family and come to the Homefront Family Night and we will take you through some of the activities that the Tru team has come up with, to help you with family nights.
If you can’t make it that night, grab a Homefront Monthly off of one of the Secretary/Check-In tables on Sunday morning. The next step is to decide on a day and time that works well for your entire family. It can be an evening, afternoon, or morning. Just commit to building this time into your family’s natural rhythm. (It’s usually best to build this time around a meal!)
Next, look through the HomeFront Monthly and see what stands out. Choose one or two experiences that you would like to incorporate into your family times this week. Don’t feel burdened to complete all the activities at once, but carefully select which ones will fit your family best. Each issue of HomeFront Monthly provides more than enough experiences to last you throughout the month.
Remember to HAVE FUN! Strive to make each gathering unique to your own family as you enjoy spending time with God and each other.
The Homefront Family Night is Friday, February 10, 2012 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the CCC Old Mill Student Center.