Update on the renovation in the Education Center

Phase 2 is well underway, and we are all upstairs. The painting is complete, along with all floor coverings.  The Chapel and the foyer have been redone, along with new lighting in the ceiling.  The first wedding in the Chapel is scheduled for August 4th.

The doorway into the room across from the Chapel has been removed and they are preparing that area for the new automated check-in desk.  The Kids Connect main entrance on the Southeast side of the building, will be completed around the end of September, so automated check-in will wait until that area is finished.  I've posted some pictures on the CCC Kids Connect page, take a look and 'like' us!

We are on track to be in our correct rooms on Promotion Sunday, August 19, 2012.

Thanks so much for your patience and cooperation during the renovation.  The changes will be well worth the wait! 

Shelley Brooks

CCC Director of Early Childhood Ministry


Promotion Sunday is here!


Renovation, phase 2 is about to start!