Parents, we have a free ebook to offer you!
‘Nexus: Central Themes in Children's Ministry’ is available for purchase through Amazon! From April 1st, for five days you can go to the below link and ‘purchase’ the book without cost to you! Many of Children’s Ministries key leaders have provided input, including our own Nancy Davies! Our prayer is that this book will impact all those serving children and families across the world.
What's the point of children's ministry? Setting aside the finer details, what's the big idea of why children's ministry is done at all? Is it to disciple kids, equip parents, lead children to Christ -- of all the things, what's primary? Nexus is an exploration of the central and most important goals and priorities in children's ministry. You'll find wisdom and Biblical guidance from leaders in children's ministry who desire the best for kids and their parents.
Below is an excerpt from Nancy Davies’ article;
I watched and listened to 100+ people from our congregation tell their faith stories as they were baptized. Young and old filed into the water and came out smiling, cheering, proud to be able to declare publicly that they were followers of Jesus. As a minister to kids, I relish listening at baptism services. It’s in these moments of liquid confessions of faith that I like to think that the hours of hearing Bible stories, singing of God's love and sharing tales of faithfulness have a hand in the decision to become Christ followers. I smile as I hear the testimony of kids that asked their mom or dad to pray with them after they came home from Sunday or Wednesday church programming. Or I hear the story of a student returned from a mission trip where God got a hold of her heart and she declares that she won't ride the fence any longer; she has heard from God and is placing her feet firmly on the side of walking with Christ. I leave the service walking with a lighter step. Yes, all the hours planning lessons, recruiting volunteers, planning events is worth the effort because lives are being changed.
Is there a thread that runs through the testimonies giving us a picture of how spiritual formation occurs? From Bible memorization, making church fun, serious Bible study, leading parents, bringing kids to salvation…what is the most important? When we strip away all the fluff, what can and should be the church’s priority in ministering to kids?
To read the rest of Nancy's article and all of the other's, go to the Amazon Link and download the book for free!