Serving Opportunity

A Journey Group Leader sent me this information on Tuesday and asked me to pass it along.  It's an opportunity to come alongside a couple living out a gospel mission in their neighborhood... Some of you might know Jen Graves, but if you don't, she has a heart of gold for God.  Her brother and sister-in-law (Ben and Christina), have been working in Maple Ridge Apartments (108th and Maple) developing a sense of community.  Through this they have developed relationships with many of the tenants, especially the children.  They will be holding a Harvest Festival this Saturday (October 20th) from 2pm-5pm for the families in the complex and are hoping you can volunteer a portion of your time to help in one of the following areas: Setup, Sign-in Station, Running Games, Food Station, or Face Painting.  This would be an excellent opportunity for you and others in your Journey Group to dive into serving and develop positive relationships.

I didn't want to post their contact info for the whole world to see (because everyone in the world reads this blog!), so if you want to learn more, contact Chris Reikofski at and she will give you their contact info.


God of Second Chances: Week 1

