Future Shock Follow-up

Hi, Everyone, I wanted to let you know about a great opportunity to help the evangelism team in the coming days. This Sunday, October 30, is the last message in the Future Shock series and a response card will be collected in the service. The evangelism team has the job of following up with those who indicate an interest in a follow-up class and discussion groups for seekers. We're obviously praying for a big response and we want to line up a few extra people to help. Here's how you can jump in...

  1. Come to the church on Sunday, October 30, in the evening to help sort out the response cards and/or make a few phone calls.
  2. If you can't be there on 10/30, Tim Perry can email you a list of people to call during the week along with a few notes on what we want to accomplish in the conversations. Once you've talked with the people on your list, simply email the notes back to Tim Perry.

If you want to help the evangelism team in this effort, please contact Tim Perry at timp@cccomaha.org or 402-938-1505. Thanks!


Important schedule updates


Serving Opportunity