Unrelated Items

Here are a couple big items from the Journey Group world...

  1. I have learned of an opportunity to show love and support to a family in need. The situation is a young mother leaving an unhealthy home with 4 kids (all under the age of 6!). They are living with family so the basics are covered, but they won't have much of a Christmas this year. I'm wondering if one or more of our Journey Groups would/could adopt this family for Christmas. If your group wants to help out, drop me an email or give me a call.
  2. Make sure that Saturday, January 8, is highlighted on your calendar for the Mid-year Journey Group Huddle. This will be a key time to come together as a whole team to remember the great importance of what we do as leaders, to be encouraged, and to hone our skills so that we can serve and lead at full impact. Keep an eye out for the e-vite coming soon!

Notes from Bill Donahue


Attractional vs. Missional