Looking down the road...

Hey Everybody, I hope you are all doing well today! As I'm looking ahead in the Journey Group year, I see a few important items that I want to share with you...

1. Even though our Journey Groups are just starting, I need help identifying people who can step up to lead groups in the future. We will be hosting a new leader orientation class in early November so that we can launch new groups for people in January. Will you help me by sending me names of people whom you think can lead a group? I'll follow up with them and see if they are interested.

2. Our first Leadership Development night is coming up on Sunday, October 3. We'll be meeting in EC 188 at the Old Mill Campus from 6:00 - 7:30 PM. This month we'll discuss the most important part of your leadership...having character that's strong enough to support your leadership.

3. As I am working to place new people in a journey group I am realizing how important it is to have up-to-date information on our groups (I can hear one of my co-workers cheering as I write this!) If you didn't respond to the group info survey sent out earlier, will you do so now so we can better connect new people to a Journey Group? You'll find the survey here. Thanks for your help in this!

If there's anything I can do for you or your group, be sure to let me know.

- Dave


Don't forget the fun!


Tips for getting started