dusty white transitioning from CCC

The following is an email that I sent out to all Journey Group leaders on February 19, 2010:

I hit “send” with mixed emotions as this email traveled to hit your inbox.

After seasons of prayer, attempting to listen to whispers from the Holy Spirit, lots of discernment, and many conversations, I have decided to leave Christ Community’s pastoral staff team at the end of March.

Over the last couple of months Jaci and I have been leaning into Jesus in deep and fresh ways. As a follower of Christ, as a husband, as a father, and as a pastor I want to consistently be living my life in great obedience to God and his pathway for my personal transformation and the transformation of those that I lead and shepherd. As a result of that long obedience, I have accepted a position at Coram Deo (www.cdomaha.org) Church, where I will be leading the discipleship movement with a Gospel-centered focus on spiritual formation and mission. I will be developing many things in this context: premarital and marital approaches, small group communities, counseling situations, and more.

The future of CCC is bright, clear, and strong. We have not made this decision because of strong discontent or a lack of future leadership opportunities at Christ Community Church. Rather, as followers of Christ, we must be willing to trade in our comfort for calling, our current focus for His mission, and our plans for His future in all things. If we trust Christ, we must go through life that way.

As your Journey Groups Pastor it has been an honor to lead and serve alongside of you. Your affirmation, trust, and faithfulness are among a few of the characteristics that I have cherished during our time at CCC. Your efforts are an asset to the kingdom, to Christ Community Church, and to those that you intentionally engage with for God’s advancement. Please keep leading well, engaging your people in discipleship, and assimilating well into what the future holds for CCC discipleship efforts.

Although transition is healthy, it creates extra work and discernment for those involved. Please be praying for the Discipleship Team. Pray specifically for Mark Ashton and Tim Perry as they trust God in provision of future leadership. Pray for Reid Brown, Lisa Brown, and Bonnie Borgum. You all know that these people carry a heavy load for the discipleship of CCC. I have been and will continue to pray for your future leader. I look forward to meeting him and partnering with him as we all labor together for God’s glory.

Although I will be taking some vacation time at the end of March, I am clearing my calendar to meet with you and others at CCC. All the way to the end, I will be giving my best days to God-centered conversations, helping CCC leaders determine strategies going forward, and assisting the ministry efforts as deemed necessary.

If you would like to grab coffee or lunch, don’t hesitate to email me. With 100+ leaders I won’t be able to make “all the rounds” but I will do my best!

As my Pastoral efforts transition, I echo the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2-5, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”

Thank you again for your partnership in the Gospel and for allowing me to serve you.


Journey Group Leader's Celebration


quarterly training for Thurs 02/04/10 cancelled