Introducing the 2022 Residency Cohort


CCC is thrilled to welcome our sixth cohort to the Church Residency program.

The residency is a two-year program focused on combining practical experience with graduate-level education. This year we’re welcoming seven residents working in five different ministry areas. The goal is for each of the residents to complete the program fully prepared for ministry without further debt, which is why the church, along with a generous discount from Crown, will pay 100% of their tuition.

As we endeavor on such an ambitious and Kingdom-focused approach to leadership training, we would ask you to consider doing four things in the coming months:


Pray for residents as they receive their training. Pray for the staff who are mentoring and training the residents. Pray for the churches, missions, and organizations that will soon be hiring our residents. And most of all, pray that God gets all the glory and that the mission of the Church advances because more bright, young leaders are being sent out!


Although the church is paying for the residents’ tuition along with a small monthly stipend, each resident is required to raise support to cover their monthly expenses. Because we want the residents to focus on their experience without overextending themselves to get a part-time job, this support is crucial to free them up to focus on their training. If you feel led to contribute to an individual resident or if you’d like to designate giving to the program overall, visit


Each resident will live with a CCC member/attender for the duration of their residency. This is not only a great way to save them money, but also to connect them with caring people who can provide additional leadership and support in their lives. If you have the gift of hospitality, an extra room or basement, and would like more information on becoming a host home, visit


We’ll introduce you to the new cohort of residents below. As you see them around the church, please approach them and introduce yourself. Say “hi” and get to know them. Perhaps you would want to bless them with lunch or coffee or giving them an occasional gift card. More importantly, bless them with your words of love and encouragement.

A program like this can only be realized and accomplished together. It’s not just our staff who can pull this off. We need everyone in the church to capture the vision and recognize that, in order to provide a great program for residents, we need to have a culture that values training and equipping young leaders for work in church ministry. They are the future—but to send them into the future with everything they need, the Church of today needs to get behind them, support them, and mentor them so they can lead us into tomorrow. The CCC Church Residency is a huge step in that direction. Thanks for taking that step with us!





AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Luther College; Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Performance
CALL TO MINISTRY: My sophomore year of college, I attended a church service where the female worship leader was ordained as the pastor of worship and connections. I could see myself in her shoes. It was then that I felt the Lord leading me towards worship ministry. I love getting to use the musical gifts that he has given me to serve his church. 
FAVORITE FOOD: Cheeseburgers


AGE: 24
HOMETOWN: Omaha, Nebraska
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Crown College; Bachelor of Science in Global and Cultural Studies
CALL TO MINISTRY: I grew up at CCC and missions has been a huge part of my life. In the past God has really brought out qualities in me through missions. The most enjoyable thing I like to do is to sit down with international people and tell them about the gospel, the Bible, and Christianity.
STARBUCKS DRINK: White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino


AGE: 35
HOMETOWN: Anderson, Missouri
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Ozark Christian College; Bachelor of Christian Formation
CALL TO MINISTRY: After years of living for my own desires, our Lord drew me to himself and called me to make a drastic change. On a trip to Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, I was prompted into a chapel and felt the Holy Spirit impress upon me that I needed to make a decision. I had a series of visceral dreams that evening that led me to surrender my whole self to our Lord God and follow in the way of Jesus Christ. I was baptized a week later. Two weeks later, I was prompted to drive onto the campus of Ozark Christian College. Over the course of the first semester, he affirmed that serving him and my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ was exactly what I needed to do.
FAVORITE FOOD: Roasted chickpeas… yes, chickpeas 😊
STARBUCKS DRINK: Chai Latte with Oat Milk



AGE: 27
HOMETOWN: Lincoln, Nebraska
University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Bachelor of Journalism
CALL TO MINISTRY: Upon my conversion, I had a thirst to know more about God’s grace found in Christ. I quickly got involved in Bible studies, groups, and started to serve in youth ministry. As I shared the gospel with others, I felt a desire and invitation from God to go a step further and pursue vocational ministry.
STARBUCKS DRINK: Iced Chai with Oat Milk


AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Apple Valley, Minnesota
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Crown College; Bachelor of Psychology
CALL TO MINISTRY: I did not know God as a middle schooler, yet God saved me from the pain and brokenness of my past. He has called me to minister the hope of the gospel to those who feel they have no hope of change, but want new life. 


AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Castle Rock, Colorado
COLLEGE/DEGREE: University of Northern Colorado; Bachelor in Marketing with a minor in Communication
CALL TO MINISTRY: I became a Christian in high school after my father passed away. I found my faith by going to a local youth group. My youth pastor always supported me, pushed me to be my best, challenged my faith, and treated me as one of his own, I want the opportunity to do for my students what my pastor did for me.
FAVORITE FOOD: Fried pickles
STARBUCKS DRINK: I don’t like coffee


To learn more about the CCC Residency program, to support a resident financially, or to apply for the residency program yourself, visit


Called to Faith


A Reflection on Residency + Introducing the 2021 Residency Cohort