A Reflection on Residency + Introducing the 2021 Residency Cohort

Photos by Marie Dufour

Photos by Marie Dufour

Mary Claire, Adult Discipleship resident, cohort 2020–2022

Mary Claire, Adult Discipleship resident, cohort 2020–2022

As I reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness from my past year in Residency, a flood of images come to mind that bring tears to my eyes. Truly, there is no place I would have rather spent the last year of my life and no place I would be than right here at Christ Community Church. I don’t say this implying that everything has been easy; rather, this season has had its fair share of difficulties. However, it is clear that this is exactly where he wants me, so how could I go elsewhere?

 In April of 2020, I was a senior in college with no plans for my immediate future and had the unique challenge of working in a global pandemic. I sensed that the Lord was writing the concluding paragraph of my chapter in Lincoln, Nebraska, and I began to pray about the plans he had in store for me. It seemed as though God kept flashing neon signs that screamed “Go to Omaha!”, but I still felt uncertain if it was the next best step for me. I prayed, “If Omaha is where you want me, you’re going to need to provide three things: a job, a place to live, and community.” When sipping some coffee with my dad across the table one day and telling him about this prayer, he casually mentioned the residency program at CCC. I remembered that I had some friends in the program and decided to call and get the full scoop. After the initial call, something inside of me began to stir, and all but three weeks later I was officially a resident. Now, I can see how the Lord was clearing a path for me to get here. I am amazed at how he provided not only a job, but a free place to live, and some of the sweetest community I have experienced in my life.

Recently, in one of our Adult Ministries meeting, we were prompted with the question, “If you could tell yourself one thing on your first day at CCC, what would it be?” After reflecting for a moment, I shared with our team that I would encourage the Mary Claire of one year ago to “Be humble and remain eager to learn.” Through various experiences, the Lord has continued to show me with grace and mercy that there is much in this world I am unaware of and there is more to learn. This theme has threaded itself throughout my first year and I anticipate that it will be woven into every part of my future. This journey of humility was not something that I learned overnight or anything that I would claim to own now. However, I do see how the Lord has placed experiences, people, and opportunities in my life that continue to challenge my pride and spur me towards the greatest example of humility, Jesus Christ. One of those experiences that has created the most transformation was the sudden and unexpected passing of my dad. On May 20, 2021, I received the news that he had a massive heart attack and was being taken to a hospital in Lincoln. I raced to my car and drove there, but by the time I arrived, he had passed away. This was my first major loss through death and I could not have predicted something of this magnitude occurring so early in life. Through the deepest of valleys, it can become easy to wonder if the Lord is present in the middle of unbearable grief. By his grace, he reminds me that he remains near to the brokenhearted and walks with them through the valley.

[The Lord] reminds me that he remains near to the brokenhearted and walks with them through the valley.

Although this season has been one of the deepest valleys I have walked through, I cannot help but exclaim the goodness of God. At my lowest point, he demonstrated his great love for me by providing the body of Christ and transforming me more into his likeness. The Saturday after my dad’s death, I had driven home from being with my family and walked into a kitchen that was full of care packages and letters that people connected to CCC had provided. I crumpled to the ground, tears streaming from my eyes, in awe of how much the Lord had blessed me with the people here. I sat at my dad’s funeral in utter humility as person after person approached me that had taken the time to show up and support my family during our biggest loss. The body of Christ surrounded me and continues to do so in my mourning. What an overwhelmingly sweet gift from the Lord.

I never anticipated that grief would be a time of sanctification and growth, but in the past five months, I have seen the Lord do big things in my heart. I have learned the importance of going first and foremost to the Lord when I cry, when I celebrate, when I need a friend. I learned that he alone is the source of my healing and the best comforter as I grieve. I have had to learn how to admit when I cannot do something and need help. I learned how to accept help and allow others to care for me. I have gained further awareness of the Lord and his nearness. I distinguish his voice and watch as he uses my story to elevate his name. And through it all, I have a hope that is rooted deep in my soul. Romans 5:1–5 touches on this. There is space to rejoice in our sufferings because suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope. And this produces a deep joy in my soul. He does not allow me to remain the same but rather loves me enough to make me more like him. I think the Lord could have done this deep transformative work elsewhere, but I’m thankful that he chose to do so at Christ Community Church. And for that, I dwell in a state of gratitude for the God that sees us and works all things together for good.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
— Romans 5:1–5 (NIV)
Mary Claire at a Young Adult Hangout event she helped organize (Photo by Isaiah Lackey)

Mary Claire at a Young Adult Hangout event she helped organize (Photo by Isaiah Lackey)





AGE: 22
HOMETOWNS: Conyers, Georgia
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Toccoa Falls College; Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Leadership
CALL TO MINISTRY: When the Lord revealed to me my identity in him, I was convinced that every person should know that same truth. From there, a desire for ministry in any context became a flame inside of my heart. 
STARBUCKS DRINK: Grande Cold Brew with honey



AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kent Island, Maryland
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Toccoa Falls College; Cross-Cultural Studies
CALL TO MINISTRY: During my senior year of high school, I went to Honduras on a short-term trip and saw real poverty for the first time. I sensed the Lord moving my heart and inviting me to go to unreached places to share his love and the news of his salvation.
FAVORITE FOOD: Anything I cook with friends (especially international food)
FAVORITE STARBUCKS DRINK: Herbal tea blends and chai



AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Waconia, Minnesota
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Crown College; Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a triple concentration in Advertising/Graphic Design, Digital Arts, and Relational Communication and a double minor in Video & Film Production and Christian Studies
CALL TO MINISTRY: Growing up, I always looked up to the staff in my home church, loving that they got to work alongside other believers, and that in each of their jobs—though all very different from one another—they got to share God’s love using their specific gifts. The summer between my sophomore and junior year in college, I was given the opportunity to intern on a church's communication team, and that was when I knew that I wanted to use my gifts in design and communication to bring others closer to Jesus.
FAVORITE STARBUCKS DRINK: Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte with blonde espresso and almond milk



AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Murrysville, PA
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Crown College; Bachelor of Science in Youth & Family Ministry
CALL TO MINISTRY: I was learning and growing in my faith in my teen years and clearly felt God calling me to pursue vocational ministry at the C&MA LIFE Alliance Youth Conference in St. Louis in 2013. I have a passion for helping teens get closer to Christ because that is when God got a hold of my life. I enjoy helping adolescents wrestle with their faith and draw closer to Jesus when life gets complex, in a season where they are learning much more about themselves, the world, and the people around them.



AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Quincy, Illinois
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Grace College; Bachelor of Science in Counseling
CALL TO MINISTRY: My whole life, the Lord has been using the local church to deeply shape me and mold me to become more like Jesus. The Lord has done the most transformative work in me through discipleship and people willing to pursue me. I believe the Lord has called me to this very same thing, to bring up young leaders as pursuers of Christ and people. 
FAVORITE STARBUCKS DRINK: Iced coffee with white mocha syrup and half & half



AGE: 26
HOMETOWN: Watertown, South Dakota
COLLEGE/DEGREE: Crown College; Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and Graphic Design/Communications
CALL TO MINISTRY: I was saved at a young age and grew up in a home where our God-given talents and gifts were encouraged. I understood early on that God can use me anywhere to be his witness. As I grew up, I found God’s call to find new ways to spread the gospel. Now I am honing my skills as an artist and a storyteller to be God’s witness to reach people in new ways.
FAVORITE FOOD: I don’t even know…
FAVORITE STARBUCKS DRINK: Iced Caramel Macchiato (yes, I enjoy the frou-frou)


To learn more about the CCC Residency program, to support a resident financially, or to apply for the residency program yourself, visit cccresidency.org.

Mary Claire Johnson

CCC Adult Ministry Resident, 2020–2022 Cohort


Introducing the 2022 Residency Cohort


CCC's Nursery Renovation