Our mission is to give every child and teenager an unforgettable sports experience. We want every child to know that they matter!
What makes our league special?
Every child/teenager gets equal playing time
Less time commitment
Safe environment
Christian principles
Team sport
Due to the growth and excitement in our league, we are expanding our soccer league to boys and girls ages 5 through High School. If you're in high school and trying to sign up for our league, please note that you will be placed on a waiting list. We are actively working to create a high school league and need your help to spread the word. Encourage others to join the waiting list so we can ensure enough participants!
Our league is open to those who have never played this great sport and to those who have been playing soccer since birth. Whatever your skill level, we would love to have your family be part of Upward Soccer at CCC.
Time Commitment
(1) sixty-minute practice per week, evenings TBD, and (1) game per week on Saturdays.
$125 per child | Registration opens January 1. Registration is not complete until full payment is received online.
A sibling discount is available this year!
Registration cost includes the Spring Soccer Player Kit, which contains the following items:
Soccer ball
The player is responsible for the following items:
Cleats (optional for kindergarten)
Shin guards (required for all ages)
Important Dates
Registration | Through February 10, 2025
Indoor Training/Practice - Saturday, March 15 | Omaha Sports Complex in the AM, Details to follow
Opening Practice | Week of March 24 | Nights TBD | CCC Sports Fields (weather permitting)
Preseason Game | Saturday, March 22 | Omaha Sports Complex
Opening Game Day | Saturday, March 29 | Omaha Sports Complex. Outdoor Games start Saturday, April 5 | CCC Sports Fields
Final Game | Saturday, May 17 | CCC Sports Fields | End-of-season tournament for older divisions
Are you a high school student, college student, twenty-something, single, married, or have a child whom you want to coach? Volunteering is the key to making our soccer season special! We seek individuals who love Jesus and want to be role models to children and teenagers. If you lack coaching or refereeing experience or have never played soccer, don’t let this be an obstacle in volunteering! We will equip you with the tools you’ll need and would love to have you be a part of the CCC Upward Soccer Coach Community. Depending on the division you coach, the time commitment is one or two days a week. Sign up to coach.
“A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.” –Billy Graham
Looking to make some extra cash? We pay our referees. We are looking for high school students, college students, twenty-something, and older who may like to join our CCC Upward Referee community. If you lack refereeing experience or have never played soccer, don’t let this be an obstacle. We will equip you with the tools you’ll need and would love to have you join our team. Sign up to referee
High school students can earn volunteer hours toward National Honors Society or your school's volunteer requirements! We will sign the required logging forms.
Friend/Sibling Request
CCC Upward Soccer provides a unique system of evaluating players and drafting teams with the goal of having teams of equal skill. Though not a perfect system, we do our best to help balance the teams as best as possible. We also recognize there will always be teams each year that will win more games than other teams.
We want your child to have the opportunity to play together with a friend. CCC Upward Soccer will do its best to allow for one friend request. Please know that we cannot grant multiple friend requests on the same team.
CCC Upward offers a practice night exclusion. However, if you and your friend request a different practice night exclusion, please be aware that the practice night exclusion will be honored before the friend request.
Siblings in the same division can be on the same team. Children of coaches will be placed on their parent’s team.
Coach Request
You can request a certain coach, but please know it may not be honored because of the size of our league while trying to balance families' schedules and the balance of teams. Know that we do our very best to recruit men and women who love Jesus, enjoy working with kids/teenagers, and desire to teach your children the great game of soccer.
If you’re interested in serving, contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
Interested in Helping?
It takes a giant team of volunteers to live out the mission of CCC Upward Soccer. We could use help:
Setting up the soccer fields before the season starts
Painting the fields weekly
Mowing the grass
Setting up on game day
Tearing down on game day
Serving as part of the communications team
If you’re interested in serving, contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
Christ Community Church Sports Fields | 404 S. 108th Ave, Omaha, NE 68154
Omaha Sports Complex | 14706 Giles Rd, Omaha, NE 68138
Practices and Games
The season runs from the week of March 25 through the week of May 17.
Practices: One sixty-minute practice per week at the CCC soccer field, includes a halftime break where each team breaks from soccer practice and the coach leads a devotional with their team. Practice days will be determined depending on the number of registrations at this time, from 5:30–8 PM. We do our best to honor practice night exclusion requests.
Game Day: One game per week | Saturdays | CCC Sports Fields (We will use Omaha Sports Complex for the first few weeks due to Nebraska spring weather)
Kindergarten (Age 5) & First Grade: small-sided games, no goalies
Second grade through High School: larger field with goalies
Questions? Contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
“CCC Upward Sports is awesome! I am having a lot of fun on and off the field, and I made a bunch of new friends.” –Athlete
“This is my child’s fourth season in CCC Upward Sports. She has been pushed to learn new skills, make new friends, and develop her self-esteem in a positive, healthy, Christian environment.” –Parent
“CCC Upward Sports is a wholesome, family-friendly, fun, and low-investment (time and money) activity for kids. We love that parking is never an issue, people are so friendly, the food truck, and offers a great atmosphere where young kids get introduced to the sport, while older kids have an opportunity to play that may not be available otherwise.” –Coach
We would love to have you and your family join CCC Upward Soccer this spring. Be sure to invite your child(ren)’s friend too!
Questions? Contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
Help participants succeed by volunteering! Volunteer coaches are needed to lead our teams. Volunteer referees are also a vital part of the experience.
Coaches (Head Coach/Assistant)
What is required?
Complete the coach application
Attend the Coaches Training Meeting on Monday, February 26, from 6–7:30 PM
Lead a one-hour practice (first–sixth grade) during the week with your team during the season. CCC Upward Soccer will provide you with practice plans to help guide you with your practices.
Coach a one-hour game per week on Saturdays (first–sixth grade) during the season. Kindergarten group—Coaches will lead a mini-practice and mini-game once a week on Saturdays during the season (no practices during the week).
What is my role?
Teach the game through drills. Instruct the rules of the game. Instill sportsmanship with a competitive spirit. Lead the kids to know Jesus in a real way! Upward provides complete training assistance, including practice plans and drills, to help you succeed!
Contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
How do I volunteer?
If your child is participating, sign up to coach when you register your child online.
If you are not registering a child to participate, or you have already registered your child, please contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
What is required of me?
Complete a referee application online
Volunteer one to two hours refereeing games on Saturday mornings during the season
What is my role?
You are a role model on the field, providing encouragement to the players. You will control the game by making the necessary calls and enforcing the rules. We will provide referee training and mentorship prior to the season starting.
How do I volunteer?
If your child is participating, sign up to referee when you register your child online.
If you are not registering a child to participate, or you have already registered your child, please contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
High School Volunteers
High school students can earn volunteer hours toward National Honors Society or your school's volunteer requirements! We will sign the required logging forms.
For more information, please contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664
We hope you can join us and spread the word for an awesome season of Upward Spring Soccer!
If you have any questions, please contact Ryan & Rob | upward@cccomaha.org | 402.819.8664