Phase 3 Adults



Phase 3 is not an AGE but a STAGE of adulthood. We transition in and out of various circumstances multiple times in our adult lives. As we consider and enter retirement, serve our grandchildren, help our aging parents, see our children grow up and leave the home, or even see those adult children move back in, we find ourselves in places we have never been before.

CCC’s Phase 3 Ministry is here to help.

Phase 3 provides relational support as well as workshops and seminars to equip you with understanding and best practices. We are organized to meet the greatest needs of adults in this phase of life: purpose, meaningful relationships, flexibility of schedule, and opportunities to impact society.


Grandparenting Matters

A Seminar with Larry Fowler

March 21–22, 2025 | CCC Student Center | $25 per person | Register by January 31 and save $5 per person.

Friday | 6:30–8:30 PM | Doors open at 6 PM
Saturday | 8:30 AM–12:30 PM | Doors open at 8 AM

You are important to your grandchildren and are in a unique position of influence to pass on your legacy of faith in Jesus Christ. The Grandparenting Matters seminar from Legacy Coalition features speaker Larry Fowler.

  • Learn what the Bible says about your influence as a grandparent

  • Discover ways to strengthen your relationships with your adult children and influence your grandchildren spiritually

  • Connect with other grandparents who share similar experiences

Learn more about Larry Fowler and the Legacy Coalition.


Consider the Conversation

As people are living longer, many of us find ourselves engaging in our parents’ lives in ways we never imagined. It can be challenging to have conversations about end-of-life wishes, financial ramifications of end-of-life choices, long-term living expectations, and even what aging parents expect from adult children when they need physical help.


A panel discussion was held which feature three experts from our community discussing how to make end-of-life plans with our aging parents. The panel was moderated by Scott Kubie, President of Orchard Alliance. Each of the presenters brought important information to the discussion to help us more fully engage in the best possible ways in the lives of our aging parents.


Discipleship Conversations | Leader

As an older adult, you have wisdom and experience that could be of great value to someone younger than yourself. Discipleship Conversations connects two people from different generations to spend six one-hour sessions together to discuss the significant issues of life. As the leader, you will take a ninety-minute training course to prepare you to carry on the conversations and provide quality wisdom and experience to a younger person desiring to grow and develop in their faith. You could be the catalyst for spiritual growth in the lives of our younger generations.

I want to lead a conversation with a person from a younger generation.

Discipleship Conversations | ParticIpant

Would you find value in engaging with someone older than yourself to discuss the important things in your life? Discipleship Conversations connects two people from different generations to engage in conversation for six one-hour sessions. The goal is for wisdom to be shared and discussions to be had, leading to greater mutual respect and understanding and, oftentimes, spiritual growth to take place. You will have someone to spend time invested in your growth and development in areas that are important to you.

I want to participate in a conversation with a person from an older generation.


Phase 3 Blog