Phase 3 Adults



Phase 3 is not an age but a stage of adulthood we transition through multiple times in our lives. As we consider retirement, serving our grandchildren, helping our aging parents, seeing our children grow up and leave the home, or even having those adult children move back in, we find ourselves in places we have never been before.

CCC’s Phase 3 Ministry is here to help.

Phase 3 provides community support as well as workshops and seminars to equip you with understanding and best practices. We are organized to meet the greatest needs of adults in this phase of life: purpose, meaningful relationships, flexibility of schedule, and opportunities to impact society.


Community Potluck Picnic at Zorinsky Lake

Join the Phase 3 community for a lunch potluck with time for yard games, fellowship, and relationship building. This is a great opportunity to:

  • Make new friends

  • Invite friends who would love to connect to a community within the church

  • Invite friends and neighbors seeking a new church home

  • Invite your Reach One More friend

Bring a dish to share! If your last name starts with:

  • A–H, bring a side dish

  • I–Q, bring a dessert

  • R–Z, bring a main dish

We look forward to seeing you there!

DATE & TIME: June 8, 2024 | 11 AM–3 PM

LOCATION: Zorinsky Lake | 3808 S 156th St, Shelter #2, Omaha, NE 68130

Consider the Conversation

As people are living longer, many of us find ourselves engaging in our parents’ lives in ways we never imagined. It can be challenging to have conversations about end-of-life wishes, financial ramifications of end-of-life choices, long-term living expectations, and even what aging parents expect from adult children when they need physical help.


A panel discussion was held which feature three experts from our community discussing how to make end-of-life plans with our aging parents. The panel was moderated by Scott Kubie, President of Orchard Alliance. Each of the presenters brought important information to the discussion to help us more fully engage in the best possible ways in the lives of our aging parents.


Discipleship Conversations | Leader

I would like to lead a conversation with a person from a younger generation.

Discipleship Conversations | ParticIpant

I would like to participate in a conversation with a person from an older generation.


Phase 3 Blog