CCC Deaf Ministry Celebrates 30 Years

The Deaf Ministry at Christ Community Church started in 1987, with a group of interpreters who actively interpreted CCC services for the deaf attendees. Several years later, God brought a Deaf man, Stuart Thiessen, and his wife, Linda, and they joined the team to be able to lead and teach in American Sign Language and the ministry continued to grow. This weekend, the Deaf Ministry celebrates their 30th anniversary of reaching the Deaf community in Omaha! Thank you to everyone who has worked to bring the gospel to this important part of CCC. Here is just one example of a life that has been changed because of our Deaf Ministry at CCC.

You might remember Kurmith, the high school student who was featured in a CCC video several months ago. Kurmith is a Sudanese refugee who is deaf and understanding his spoken language was very difficult. He could not understand it well enough to learn about God or understand the Bible while attending his Sudanese church. Yet he was curious about God and continued to seek answers to his questions from his school teacher who was a Christian. She helped Kurmith connect with the Deaf Ministry at Christ Community Church, where he was provided an interpreter at the middle school class as well as in Sunday services. Kurmith accepted Christ in 2012 and was later baptized. He continues to grow in Christ and has a passion to serve. He finds joy in working with a Deaf boy in preschool. Kurmith is strong in his faith and wants to follow God with his life. 

Praise God for the work Jesus has done in Kurmith’s life and in the lives of many others in the last 30 years! Thank you to Stuart and Linda Thiessen for their faithful service here at CCC and in their continued ministry in reaching some of the least reached people of the world.


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