Every child is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God (Psalm 139:1–18). Every child is created whole, known, loved, and invited to know our God in community. CCC Kids invites and engages every family and child to foster faith in Jesus by creating space to grow in their faith journey.


The Friends Ministry serves children from kindergarten to fifth grade who have an official diagnosis of a physical, intellectual, developmental, or learning disability. Inclusivity is a core value at CCC and we strive to empower children to participate in CCC Kids alongside children without special needs. Every child of God is blessed with spiritual gifts that are meant to be used and developed in community.


CCC Kids provides a self-contained room for children who experience sensory challenges, have difficulty expressing themselves, or need to be engaged in a non-traditional way.


Children with physical disabilities or children who feel comfortable in large group settings attend normal Sunday services with a buddy as needed. Our goal is to provide a one-on-one buddy that helps and redirects as needed.

Family Application

To participate in the Friends Ministry, fill out the family application form.

Volunteer Application

To serve in the Friends Ministry, fill out the volunteer application form.