City of Omaha Mask Mandate
The most recent version of the Douglas County Mask Mandate gives an exemption for religious services. At CCC, a religious service is any venue where there is prayer, singing, or teaching of God’s word. This applies to all ages.
This Sunday, masks will remain optional for ministries for adults, kids, and students. If you would prefer to worship in person at CCC but in a venue where all persons are wearing masks, please join the streamed services in the Chapel. Masks will be required in the Chapel.
If you prefer to worship at home, please join CCC services online! If you have any COVID-19 symptoms or are simply feeling unwell, please stay home and join our online service!
Church Update / 7.11.21
On Sunday, July 11, services will be online only!
Please join us for Church at Home at 9 & 10:45 AM.
Based on current OPPD information, power at CCC may not be restored in time for Sunday services on July 11. A CCC team spent time cleaning up debris and searching for other issues. Without power, it’s impossible to know the extent of any potential safety concerns.
Therefore, all on-campus Sunday morning services, groups, classes, and ministries have been canceled. For evening activities, please check with your ministry leader.
We know many in our CCC family are facing issues related to the storm. We are praying for you and are grateful that CCC has prepared for moments like these. We are excited to gather as individuals and families in homes around the city to worship Jesus and learn from God’s Word together!
There are several ways you can join us for Church at Home:
Download the CCC app for your mobile device, Apple TV, or Roku.
For the most immersive experiences (with live chat), join us on Facebook Live or the Church Online platform (
Church Update / 2.7.21
Our Governor has changed Nebraska’s COVID alert status to Green. Here’s what that means for CCC…
Our Governor has changed Nebraska’s COVID alert status to Green. Here’s what that means for CCC:
We will continue to wear masks while in the building (this is an Omaha city ordinance).
Seating options in the Worship Center will change slightly:
Option 1: Seating on the main floor will remain socially distanced, and every other row.
Option 2: Seating in the balcony will be open to all rows.
These modifications allow for more people to attend in-person services. This will take effect beginning Sunday, February 14.
Church Update / 12.6.20
Beginning Sunday, December 13, our Sunday experiences will be offered both on-site in the Worship Center and online…
Beginning Sunday, December 13, our Sunday experiences will be offered both on-site in the Worship Center and online. On-site experiences are given extra caution with social distancing, and mandatory mask-wearing.
Most groups, classes, and ministries are currently meeting online-only. Check with your leader for the latest information.
CCC is following the guidance and authority of our local officials. To stay updated with the latest information, be sure you are subscribed to the CCC Weekly email list.
Church Update / 11.23.20
CCC continues to closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Because of the dramatically rising number of cases in Omaha, and the pressure it is putting on our hospital capacity, our Governor is expected to elevate Nebraska’s status to the “red” phase…
CCC continues to closely monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Because of the dramatically rising number of cases in Omaha and the pressure it is putting on our hospital capacity, our governor is expected to elevate Nebraska’s status to the “red” phase.
Out of love for our neighbors and our city, and with prayerful wisdom from CCC’s leadership, we are making the following adjustments to our ministries:
All Sunday services will move to online only
No classes or groups will meet on site with the exception of Renewal Groups, weddings, and funerals
CCC Kids will be online only
Middle School and High School Ministries will have small groups only
8:08 College Community will meet one last time on December 3 before their Christmas break
All of these adjustments apply for the next two Sundays (November 29 & December 6) at least. Our leadership will reassess and give an update in two weeks.
In the meantime, here are several ways to stay engaged with CCC online:
Church Update / 11.13.20
This week, our Governor has given Nebraskans a fresh set of directed health measures to follow in order to help prevent further spread of COVID-19 in our area. A few of these health measures will affect ministries and activities that were scheduled here at the church.
This week, our Governor has given Nebraskans a fresh set of directed health measures to follow in order to help prevent further spread of COVID-19 in our area. A few of these health measures will affect ministries and activities that were scheduled here at the church.
Here’s an overview of how this affects ministries at CCC, and what you can expect. Click the button below for the full details.
Mask-wearing is required for all individuals ages 5 and older. The face covering must be over the mouth and nose while indoors unless the individual maintains at least six feet of separation at all times from anyone who is not their household member.
In-Person Worship Experiences are unrestricted in gathering size but practically limited by social distancing guidelines of six feet. Gatherings (Journey/Midsized Groups, classes, and ministry meetings) are limited in size to 25% of indoor and 100% of outdoor rated occupancy.
Our two on-site services will be held at 9 and 10:45 AM in the Worship Center with every other row blocked. Individual/family units will be required to leave two (2) seats between other groups. Service capacity is 500. We will continue to deliver the online service live at 9 and 10:45 AM and stream a recorded service at 4 PM. Overflow will go to the Chapel (max 75).
College and Student Ministries are open as well as Kids Ministry. Services are unrestricted in gathering size but practically limited by social distancing guidelines of six feet.
Sick persons must stay home, and vulnerable (seniors and those with underlying medical conditions) persons are encouraged to stay home.
For Sunday gatherings, entry to CCC will be from multiple doors to spread out the concentration of people entering and exiting the main building. Hand sanitizer and face masks will be provided.
Saturday will remain closed to ministry gatherings (classes/groups) except for weddings.
Most large group ministries are canceled.
Heightened sanitation practices will continue, especially before and between services, with sanitation procedures for all seating and service venues.
Atrium services will be restricted to the Information Desk.
A limited coffee service will be provided.
Pre-packaged communion will be offered.
Benevolence/on-call ministry and Oil Change Ministry are open.
CCC Kids Returns October 18
In-person CCC Kids returns Sunday, October 18.
Full in-person CCC Kids programming for kids birth–grade 5 will resume beginning Sunday, October 18. The Family Gathering will meet through Sunday, October 11.
Here’s what will be new at CCC Kids:
Temperature checks for kids at check-in
Enhanced cleaning of rooms
Masks for kids ages 5 and up
City of Omaha Mask Mandate
The City of Omaha has mandated that everyone (ages 5 and up) wear a mask when in public places, including church.
The City of Omaha has mandated that everyone (ages 5 and up) wear a mask when in public places, including church. The mask mandate has already taken effect at CCC, and masks will be required on Sundays and all other gatherings in public spaces until further notice. If you don't have a mask, you will be provided with one for free when you arrive.
If you are uncomfortable wearing a mask during an on-site service, or you're just not quite ready to come back to the church for services, we invite you to join online at or on Facebook Live.
On-site Sunday Experiences Resume July 12
On July 12, we are welcoming back anyone who wants to be a part of our on-site worship experiences!
On July 12, we are welcoming back anyone who wants to be a part of our on-site worship experiences!
At 9 & 10:45 AM in the Worship Center, we’ll have our on-site services. We are working to keep everything as safe as possible. We’ll seat every other row, practice social distancing, and invite you to use hand sanitizer when you enter the building. Masks are optional, but they’ll be available for free. Whether you decide to come in or stay home, there’s no pressure or judgment. If you are sick, you must stay home and we invite you to join the service online.
We want to make sure this is a fantastic time for people of all ages, so we have created the Family Gathering! If you are a parent with young children, head to the Gym for a great live family experience filled with songs, puppets, crafts, and more, led by our fantastic Kids Ministry staff and Milo. We can’t wait to see you face-to-face again!
Live Worship Experience / 9 & 10:45 AM / Worship Center
Online / 9 AM, 10:45 AM, & 4 PM
Live Family Gathering / 9 & 10:45 AM / Gym
Church Update / 5.24.20
Our Management Team and Elders have been assessing the spread of the virus in our area, watching the cultural climate, and gathering data to try and make the best decision on when to reopen the church building…
Our Management Team and Elders have been assessing the spread of the virus in our area, watching the cultural climate, and gathering data to try and make the best decision on when to reopen the church building for in-person gatherings. They have also been weighing the pros and cons of what it would take to do Sunday morning worship experiences without CCC Kids, student ministries, and with all of the social distancing protocols that would have to be in place. Our leadership has come to the conclusion that the best plan is to continue with our online model for Sunday services, kids, students, and adult ministries for now.
We understand that many of you are yearning to come together again as a church family. If that’s you, we’ve got some good news: Beginning Wednesday, June 10 at 6:45 PM, we will be having a weekly in-person prayer service at the church. We’ll sing a few songs together, and spend most of our time praying together. All of this will happen with appropriate social distancing guidelines to provide a safe experience for everyone. However, if you are elderly, or one who has medical conditions that puts you at a higher risk, we ask that you please stay home. And of course if you are sick, you must stay home. The prayer service will also be live streamed through our website, and app.
More details about the prayer service will be coming soon on our website, social media, and through email.
An Update about Reopening the Church / 5.4.20
We have an important announcement regarding the reopening of the church building, and our timeline for returning to in-person services on Sundays.
We have an important announcement regarding the reopening of the church building, and our timeline for returning to in-person services on Sundays.
As many of you know, Governor Ricketts has announced that businesses and churches are allowed reopen this week along with a few strict social distancing guidelines. We appreciate that the Governor has allowed churches to make decisions for themselves.
Our leadership at CCC has made the decision that we will continue our Church at Home online experience through at least the month of May. They will continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our community, and evaluate when it would be best to return to the church for in-person services and groups.
We miss seeing you throughout the week, and can't for the day we can worship together again.
Mark Ashton
Lead Minister
Join us for Church Online This Weekend / 3.13.20
All of our Sunday morning gatherings are cancelled, and all ministries, classes, and events that meet at the church are also postponed for the foreseeable future…
Due to COVID-19 and at the recommendation of our Governor, we are canceling Sunday services until further notice.
CCC family,
Earlier today our Governor made the recommendation that any public gatherings over 250 people should be cancelled. With that in mind and in the interest of everyone’s health and well-being, all of our Sunday morning gatherings are cancelled, and all ministries, classes, and events that meet at the church are also postponed for the foreseeable future.
However, we will still be having church online! We encourage you to join us this Sunday at 9 or 10:45 AM as Pastor Mark teaches on Ten Biblical Responses to the Coronavirus. Here’s how to do it:
Stream on your TV: Download the CCC App on Apple TV or Roku
Stream on your computer or mobile device: visit, download the CCC App, or join us on Facebook Live.
We will continue to monitor the situation week by week and hope to resume normal weekend services and ministry at the church as soon as possible.
COVID-19 Update / 3.13.20
The life Jesus invites us into is a life of peace, life to the full, a life where we are fully trusting in him. Because of his death, we no longer need to fear death. Because of his power, we can live by faith in him to love and serve people with great grace. We do not live by the hysteria of the general population, but by faith in Jesus alone.
LAST UPDATED: 3:45 PM on 3.13.20
Dear church family,
On the night Jesus was betrayed, he said:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
It was in a time of great turmoil and fear that Jesus spoke those words...and I think we'd all agree that we're grateful his promise still applies today! People are concerned about COVID-19, the media can't stop talking about the virus, the stock markets are getting hammered, and the ripple effects are being felt all over our nation...and the world.
But the life Jesus invites us into is a life of peace, life to the full, a life where we are fully trusting in him. Because of his death, we no longer need to fear death. Because of his power, we can live by faith in him to love and serve people with great grace. We do not live by the hysteria of the general population, but by faith in Jesus alone.
Church history reminds us of the countercultural posture of our spiritual ancestors during times of great suffering. In A.D. 252, a devastating plague hit the ancient North African coastal city of Carthage. Healthy people fled in droves, leaving everything behind. In response, Bishop Cyprian drew all of the Christians into the center of the very city where they had been persecuted and told them:
"If we're going to do what Jesus did...I call you to give personal and financial aid, care, and comfort to all according to their need, not their faith."
This unconventional posture clearly differentiated these early Christians from the society that surrounded them and contributed significantly to more and more people putting their trust in Christ. As church leaders, our prayer is that we will have that kind of courageous faith and love, demonstrating our confidence in Christ and in the eternal life he promises to all who trust in him. And, he calls all of us to reach out to those around us who are in need, or without the support of nearby family and friends, demonstrating love in action (1 John 3:16-18).
As you're likely aware, there are now confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Douglas County, and we will no doubt see those numbers grow. While this virus is primarily spread through close contact, we want to take precautionary measures to create a safe and healthy environment for our church family to gather. We’ll be postponing ministries for the most vulnerable people and canceling events that require travel in the near future. As for Sunday, we have the option of being here at the church live, or joining our online experience. We need the power of Jesus and community more than ever in these moments.
While we reflect Jesus in our faith and actions, we will continue to take recommended precautionary steps to provide a healthy environment at CCC and mitigate the spread of germs. Our leadership team is monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as the Douglas County Health Department, and other churches like ours. Last Monday, we did a full sanitization of the church including wipedowns, santiation bombs (did you know that they had these?) and extra care to highly touchable areas. This level of high sanitation has been in play for the past month and will continue. The following are other items that will help our sanitation levels.
To minimize your need to touch door handles, our volunteer teams will hold exterior doors open to greet you.
During this portion of the service, we recommend you greet each other with smiles, waves, or the official CCC salute.
We recommend that you give your tithe and offering online. It is safe, effective and totally germ-free. If you’re joining us live, you can also use the black boxes in the back of the room.
Seniors Ministry
Doctors are encouraging all 70+ seniors to avoid public gatherings. As such, all of our senior mid-sized groups are postponed. Seniors are also encouraged to join our online experience on Sunday mornings on our website, or on Facebook Live.
Kids and Student Ministries
Sunday morning and evening ministries will happen as normal. Our Wednesday evening ministries are postponed and will follow public school closings. Our Christ In Youth middle school trip is cancelled.
Adult Groups
For the foreseeable future, the following groups will not be meeting:
Day Spring
As of now, the remainder of our Journey Groups will continue as normal, but stay in touch with your group leader for details.
Coffee and Food
Our staff and volunteers are diligent in following recommended procedures from the Health Department. They are being extra careful during this time, and you'll notice additional precautions in place in the way food items are made available.
Online Experience
Our encouragement is to gather with God's people and not let fear win the day. However, if you start feeling sick, we encourage you to join us online, on the CCC app, or on Facebook Live.
Loving People
As people around you are in a high-anxiety moment, watch for opportunities to love and serve.
Bring groceries to someone who is self-quarantined
Text your friends to check up on them
Offer to pray for people
Donate food to the Franklin Elementary Food Drive. You can drop items off at CCC. Click here for more info and to see the list of specific items needed.
While those most vulnerable are the frail elderly and those with an underlying illness, everyone can aid in stopping the spread of the virus by taking time to understand and follow proper prevention measures recommended by the CDC. Here are a few of the basic measures listed on their website:
If you or a family member are showing signs of sickness (especially if there's a fever over 100.4), please stay home out of love for others.
Cover your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Toss the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Let's keep praying for opportunities here, and for fellow believers around the world, to be a light for Jesus during these times of fear and uncertainty.
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7
Here to Serve,
Mark Ashton
Lead Minister
Church Update / 3.8.20
I want to update you on what’s happening at CCC in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in our area. Like you, I’ve been following this evolving story. I’ve been in communication with local city officials to gain perspective on how to best move forward.
Dear CCC Family,
I want to update you on what’s happening at CCC in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in our area. Like you, I’ve been following this evolving story. I’ve been in communication with local city officials to gain perspective on how to best move forward.
Many of you are aware that a woman in Omaha tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this week. At 3 PM today our leadership discovered that the woman was at Christ Community Church this past Tuesday, but not at any Sunday morning services. This woman is a much-loved member of the CCC family. We have isolated the areas of the property that she visited. The Douglas County Health Commission has assured us that any germs from her that may have been on the property had died within hours. Fortunately, our Facilities Team began heightened sanitation protocols weeks ago. All areas of the church have been sanitized multiple times since then.
Unfortunately, while this woman was here at the church on Tuesday, she came in contact with people who may have been at Christ Community Church since then. These individuals have since been contacted with Douglas County Health Standards for self-quarantine.
Out of an abundance of caution, we made a last-minute decision to move our Student Ministries this evening to an unaffected area of the campus.
Again, out of an abundance of caution, we will be deep cleaning all areas of the main building tomorrow. We have hired external professionals in addition to our well-trained Facilities Team. All church activities tomorrow (Monday, March 9), including our Missions Dinner, are canceled.
We would encourage each member of CCC to exercise wisdom and caution. As with any normal flu season, follow these common-sense guidelines for keeping yourself and others healthy:
Wash your hands regularly
Cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow
Don’t touch your face
Eat healthy and drink lots of fluids
Do not go to work, school, or church if you feel sick
In the midst of challenging situations, we always look to God for strength and wisdom. I want to encourage you all to live by trust and prayer in the Father who loves us. Please pray for our sister who is in quarantine as well.
At this point, the risk level at CCC is very low—similar to that of going to school, shopping, or to a restaurant. In the meantime, we trust in God for all things.
Mark Ashton
Lead Minister
Coronavirus and Staying Healthy at CCC
CCC is staying up-to-date with the progress of COVID-19 around the world, and we are listening to what local and national authorities advise as we determine any necessary response as a church.
CCC is staying up-to-date with the progress of COVID-19 around the world, and we are listening to what local and national authorities advise as we determine any necessary response as a church.
As of this post, no guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or other agencies are impacting our normal operations or ministries.
ONE EXCEPTION: Until further notice, we will forego our customary "turn and greet" moment in our worship services.
Most of our main restrooms are completely touch-less: automatic toilets, toilet seat covers for you to use, automatic soap dispensers, sinks and even foot pulls on the restroom doors. The church has provided ample hand sanitizer around our facilities. According to the CDC, washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the best precautions you can take to prevent the spread of the virus. When hand-washing is not possible, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are a recommended alternative.
As with any normal flu season, follow these "common sense" guidelines for keeping yourself and others healthy:
Wash your hands regularly
Cough or sneeze in the bend of your elbow
Don’t touch your face
Eat healthy and drink lots of fluids
Do not go to work, school, or church if you are sick
Please join our church leadership as we pray for those who are impacted by or confronting the virus — patients, families, healthcare workers, authorities — and for God's protection over all of us.