How to Hear from God


In a world bustling with noise and distractions, the quest to hear God's voice is a desire that resonates deeply with many. God is not silent. His voice reverberates through creation, the Scriptures, and the life of Jesus. Yet, amidst the chaos of modern life, many wonder how to discern this divine communication. How do we distinguish God's voice from our own thoughts or external influences? The journey to hear God requires intentional effort, introspection, and a commitment to clear the path for divine interaction.

The Constant Divine Communicator

God's communication is omnipresent. From the intricate design of nature to the profound narratives in the Bible, His voice is continuously echoing. Observing the stars, the complexity of living beings, and our own bodies reveals a supreme intelligence orchestrating the universe. Through the prophets, God has sent messages of truth and righteousness. The Bible serves as a historical record and a guide, revealing God's character, humanity's purpose, and our ultimate destiny. The culmination of this communication is found in Jesus, whose life, death, and resurrection affirm His divinity and the depth of God's desire to connect with us.

Barriers to Hearing God

Despite God's constant communication, many struggle to hear His voice. There are significant barriers that create interference, preventing clear reception. Understanding and addressing these barriers is crucial to fostering a lifestyle where hearing God becomes a daily reality.

  1. Living by Our Own Standards: Proverbs 16:25 warns, "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." Often, we follow our own judgment, which can lead us away from God. This self-reliant approach results in spiritual deafness. To hear God, we must align our lives with His wisdom and principles.

  2. Unaddressed Sin: Sin creates a barrier to hearing God. Proverbs 16:27-29 highlights the destructive nature of evil plots, conflict, and violence. Engaging in gossip, slander, immorality, or selfish pursuits distances us from God's voice. Just as a radio station tuned to the wrong frequency produces static, living in sin disrupts our spiritual reception. Clearing these sins from our lives is essential for clear communication with God.

  3. Self-Deception: Proverbs 16:2 states, "All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord." We often overestimate our righteousness, justifying our actions and ignoring our faults. Conducting a personal, systematic evaluation of our lives and motives, and seeking God's help to change, is vital for hearing Him clearly.

  4. Distractions: Modern life is filled with distractions, especially from technology. Constant notifications, emails, and the allure of social media can drown out God's voice. Proverbs 16:16 emphasizes the value of wisdom over material wealth. To hear God, we need to intentionally minimize distractions and create quiet spaces for reflection and listening.

Embracing the Way of Wisdom

Proverbs 16:16-31 outlines the path of wisdom, which aligns us with God's patterns and purposes. This alignment involves:

  • Trusting in Jesus: Acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God and following His example of wisdom.

  • Clearing the Interference: Renouncing sin and aligning our thoughts and actions with God's word.

  • Living a Lifestyle of Listening: Developing daily habits that foster spiritual sensitivity and receptivity.

Practical Steps to Hearing God

Hearing God is not about following a strict formula but embracing a lifestyle of attentiveness and obedience. Here are practical steps to cultivate this lifestyle:

  1. Seek God Daily: Set aside dedicated time for prayer, meditation, and reading Scripture.

  2. Act on God's Instructions: Obey the promptings and instructions God has already given you.

  3. Address Sin: Regularly examine your life for any unconfessed sin and seek God's forgiveness.

  4. Minimize Distractions: Limit screen time and create quiet moments to listen for God's voice.

  5. Embrace Flexibility: Recognize that God's guidance can come in various forms—dreams, visions, circumstances, or subtle nudges.

Hearing God's voice is a lifelong journey of growth and discovery. As you clear the path and align with His wisdom, you'll find that divine communication becomes a natural part of your everyday life. Embrace the process, stay committed, and remember that God is always speaking. The question is, are you ready to listen?

Blog adapted from August 4, 2024, message by Minister Mark Ashton

Lead Minister Mark Ashton

CCC’s Lead Minister


Train Your Mind to Hear God


Experiencing Jesus in the Heart Language of ASL