Life Together: Q&A with the Wyatts

Photo by Barb Kyle; all other photos provided by Kaitlyn Wyatt

Photo by Barb Kyle; all other photos provided by Kaitlyn Wyatt

Christ Community Church deeply values the importance of community and the impact it has on the body of Christ. One incredible way people can connect in community at CCC is through Journey Groups, which are small groups of people that meet outside of Sunday morning services. In these groups, people can grow in their relationship with God, develop friendships with others, and make an impact for the Kingdom. 

The Wyatt family has been able to experience the power of this community in their Journey Group. Kaitlyn and Greg are parents to two beautiful daughters, Addison and Ashlyn. They have attended CCC for the past four years and have been a part of a Journey Group since. I had the opportunity to ask them about their experience with Journey Groups and how God has used it to grow them. 

When and how did you get connected to your Journey Group?

We stopped by the Next Steps area in the Atrium on a Sunday morning. 

Why did you decide to start attending a group?

We wanted to get plugged in with a great group of people. It was a priority for our family, since we were new to town. 

What are some of the obstacles that might have kept you from joining?

Since our group is primarily young families, childcare was an issue for our group, which was thankfully resolved. We all pitch in $5 per kid for Haven’s Heavenly Helpers which gives us a break as parents, time to focus on our relationship with our group, and most importantly, Christ. Time also could have easily been a reason, but it would be more of an excuse. We as humans always find time for our priorities, so we first need to determine those priorities. As followers of Christ, we need to be a church that has a strong community, just like the name of our church.

Were there reasons why you might not have taken the step to get involved in a Journey Group?

Since our group is primarily young families, childcare was an issue for our group, which was thankfully resolved. We all pitch in $5 per kid for Haven’s Heavenly Helpers which gives us a break as parents, time to focus on our relationship with our group, and most importantly, Christ. Time also could have easily been a reason, but it would be more of an excuse. We as humans always find time for our priorities, so we first need to determine those priorities. As followers of Christ, we need to be a church that has a strong community, just like the name of our church.

Fear is and was a reality for us, as these people were strangers to us. As common sense kicked in, we realized we were strangers to them as well. We used this common ground to help break through our comfort zone. There is always growth on the other side of your comfort zone!

What has been the most surprising thing about being a part of your Journey Group?

Since our group is primarily young families, childcare was an issue for our group, which was thankfully resolved. We all pitch in $5 per kid for Haven’s Heavenly Helpers which gives us a break as parents, time to focus on our relationship with our group, and most importantly, Christ. Time also could have easily been a reason, but it would be more of an excuse. We as humans always find time for our priorities, so we first need to determine those priorities. As followers of Christ, we need to be a church that has a strong community, just like the name of our church.

Honestly, I think our growth has surprised us spiritually, emotionally, and overall as people. 

What does an average week with your Journey Group look like?

Since our group is primarily young families, childcare was an issue for our group, which was thankfully resolved. We all pitch in $5 per kid for Haven’s Heavenly Helpers which gives us a break as parents, time to focus on our relationship with our group, and most importantly, Christ. Time also could have easily been a reason, but it would be more of an excuse. We as humans always find time for our priorities, so we first need to determine those priorities. As followers of Christ, we need to be a church that has a strong community, just like the name of our church.

We meet every other week, which is helpful since we have a young family. On a typical meeting, we meet at someone’s home and socialize as people trickle in and then we pray and dive into the material. One person normally leads the main conversation, but then it opens for optional discussion. At the end of the night, we take communion as a group, share prayer requests, and pray together.

How have you grown in your faith since being a part of your Journey Group?

Since our group is primarily young families, childcare was an issue for our group, which was thankfully resolved. We all pitch in $5 per kid for Haven’s Heavenly Helpers which gives us a break as parents, time to focus on our relationship with our group, and most importantly, Christ. Time also could have easily been a reason, but it would be more of an excuse. We as humans always find time for our priorities, so we first need to determine those priorities. As followers of Christ, we need to be a church that has a strong community, just like the name of our church.

We have been much more willing to dive into heavy topics and learn and discuss. We have also grown in willingness to be transparent and vulnerable. We have gained better knowledge about ourselves after voicing what our thoughts are. 

How have you grown individually, in your marriage, and as parents as a part of discipleship through a group?

In our marriage, we have learned to give each other the benefit of the doubt. We also pray out loud as husband and wife for each other. It has been a very humbling experience. As parents, we pray over our kids but also encourage spiritual relationships and have fellow believing adults present in their lives. 

When have you been challenged by your Journey Group in your faith or needed to lean on them in a hard time?

I recently had a hysterectomy. I was very nervous and unsure about how the process would go, being so young. My Journey Group not only prayed, texted, and called, but they also brought meals when needed. They were open to late-night conversations helping me calm my nerves. It was a blessing having such a solid group of friends that have become family lift our family. We are eternally grateful for our Journey Group. 

What would you say to someone who is considering joining a Journey Group?

I would say take a leap of faith! You never know who or what God has lined up for you when you say yes to an opportunity to grow closer to him!

Rachel Webb was one of the 2018–2020 residents and now works as the Kids Discipleship Coordinator at Christ Community Church.

Rachel Webb

CCC Kids Ministry Resident, 2018–2020 Cohort, and Former CCC Kids Discipleship Coordinator




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