Belonging Here CCC Belonging Here CCC

CCC Values & the Book of Acts

Irresistible / Part 1 / All for Jesus

Irresistible / Part 2 / Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Irresistible / Part 3 / We Do Life Together

Irresistible / Part 3 / We Do Life Together / Jed Logue

Irresistible / Part 4 / All for Jesus / Brad Mock

Irresistible / Part 4 / All for Jesus / Alex Ehly

Irresistible / Part 5 / Encounter the Father Daily / Wendell Nelson

Irresistible / Part 5 / Encounter the Father Daily / Mark Ashton

Irresistible / Part 6 / Outrageously Generous

Irresistible / Part 7 / Contributors, Not Consumers

Irresistible / Part 8 / We Are On Mission / Myron Pierce

Irresistible / Part 9 / Simon the Sorcerer / Jed Logue

Irresistible / Part 9 / Simon the Sorcerer / Glenn Lawson

Irresistible / Part 10 / Best News Ever / Alex Ehly

Irresistible / Part 11 / Least Reached People

Irresistible / Part 12 / We Meet with the Father Daily / Mark Ashton

Irresistible / Part 12 / We Meet with the Father Daily / Ian Rothell

Irresistible / Part 13 / Reach One More / Mark Ashton

Irresistible / Part 13 / Reach One More / Jim Ratte

Irresistible / Part 14 / Empowered by The Spirit

Irresistible / Part 15 / Doing Life Together / Brad Mock

Irresistible / Part 15 / Doing Life Together / Glenn Lawson

Irresistible / Part 16 / Beyond Belief Celebration

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Knowing Jesus CCC Knowing Jesus CCC

Encountering the Kingdom of God

Kingdom Invasion / Part 1

Kingdom Invasion / Part 2

Kingdom Invasion / Part 3

Kingdom Invasion / Part 4

Kingdom Invasion / Part 5

Kingdom Advance / Part 1

Kingdom Advance / Part 2

Kingdom Advance / Part 3

Kingdom Advance / Part 4

Kingdom Advance / Part 5

Kingdom Cure / Part 1

Kingdom Cure / Part 2

Kingdom Cure / Part 3

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