Financially Free
Following Jesus leads to financial freedom.
Following Jesus leads to financial freedom.
Spiritual Rhythms
In the gospels, Jesus calls his disciples to a life of full surrender, deep commitment, and complete reliance on the Holy Spirit. He reminds us to deny ourselves and “take up [our] cross daily” (Luke 9:23). He encourages us that we will be able to “do even greater things” than we see in Jesus’ life on earth (John 14:12). And Jesus acknowledges that this sort of life is only possible when we “abide” in (remain attached to) Jesus (John 15:1-8).
In the Gospels, Jesus calls his disciples to a life of full surrender, deep commitment, and complete reliance on the Holy Spirit. He reminds us to deny ourselves and “take up [our] cross daily” (Luke 9:23). He encourages us that we will be able to “do even greater things” than we see in Jesus’ life on earth (John 14:12). And Jesus acknowledges that this sort of life is only possible when we “abide” in (remain attached to) Jesus (John 15:1-8).
In the 50s, A.W. Tozer (a well-known Alliance minister) wrote about spiritual rhythms for a deeper life in one of our denominational publications. He describes this deeper life as far more than just victory over sin, but of separation from the world and communion with God. A life in and through the Spirit, beyond what we might have imagined.
We invite you to join us for this journey into key rhythms that will help you encounter God and become more like Jesus. Each of these guides include biblical teaching, prayer prompts, and specific practices to help you implement spiritual rhythms to lead you into an experience of the deeper life.