Christ Community Church

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Artificial Intelligence

Have you been reading all the news recently about AI (Artificial Intelligence)? Some of it sounds fascinating. Some of it sounds horrifying. The systems being developed can think and predict in ways unheard of before. It almost sounds like the prophet of the devil. In history, men spoke with wisdom that was unthinkable and was accurate beyond comprehension of things yet to come by the revelation of God. But now machines are telling us things in ways that we couldn’t fathom and making predictions with profound accuracy in ways that make us worry.

Soon cars will drive themselves and machines will not only produce but do it faster and better. We can have our refrigerators call for repairs before we know they are broken. If we don’t know how to say something important, we can go to a website and it will articulate our intentions profoundly and concisely. Soon we will not be needed. OR WILL WE!

There is something special about how we convey the message of Jesus Christ. There is something beyond just saying the right words at the right time. God deals with our hearts. He deals with our souls. Machines can convey truth, but it will always be hard for them to convey truth in love. It is a profound concept to show the love of Christ and his grace and mercy in words alone no matter how accurate they may be. If you have ever confronted someone in anger, you know what this looks like. Love and compassion must coexist with truth or it is a clanging gong or clashing cymbal.

God knew all of this before the beginning of time. His word is timeless. The work of the Lord intentionally includes us. There is no machine or creation of man that will ever be able to do the work of ministry that is assigned to man.

Meryl Herr, Director of Research and Resources at the DuPree Center, writes in a current article on their website, “Unlike human beings, machines are not animated and energized by the breath of God. Machines cannot attend to the voice of God or the movement of the Spirit.”

She goes on to say, “Machines also can’t engage in redemptive imagination. AI can’t adapt in the way that’s needed to live wisely and faithfully in this world. But as those who follow the way of Jesus and carry the hope of the new creation, we can. We can creatively apply the values of the kingdom to a broken and hurting world. And, when the redemptive work goes awry or gets a little messy, we can turn to the grace and forgiveness we have in Christ and find resilience and courage to continue.”

The significance of this is overwhelming. It is not something new. But it is something that appears differently in contrast with this AI discussion. Without the service of God’s people to the lost and broken of this world, there is no hope. We are called to do the work of ministry. So often we live with the expectation that it is someone else’s job to reach the lost and heal the broken. But that has never been the case. Reality has always been that God has chosen man to

be his hands and feet here on earth. God has chosen and called each one of us to be engaged. We cannot leave the work up to someone else or to a machine. We must do it. And we need not engage in God’s work with fear. God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us, our words and works, to have great impact on the world around us.

Remember, our role is to till the ground, plant, water, fertilize and be invested in the process. God brings the fruit. But we must do our part. And in this subject of spiritual growth and development, machines will never accomplish the task. It is for us to do. No matter how messy things get in this world, we can continue on. No matter how many times we try and fail, we can continue. No matter how often the devil whispers lies in our ears, the voice of God will always be stronger.

No AI here. God’s intelligence is real and original. Nothing false about it. Trust Him. Trust his word. Go forth with wisdom and understanding to meet the world head on and have an impact for Jesus.

Want to know more? Check out Ephesians 4 for God’s plan for the work of the church in impacting the world around us. It is a great example of God’s Intelligence.
