Christ Community Church

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November Leadership Development

Last night we hosted the Leadership Development for November and it was a great night. I was excited to see so many leaders there and encouraged/challenged by the discussions we had about evangelism in our groups. Tim Perry's notes will be available soon, but I wanted to go ahead and post two resources that we presented to help develop evangelism as a central element in your Journey Group.

One of the resources is the Initiates Interest in the Gospel series of our RISKS material. This 6 session material explores different Biblical metaphors of evangelism (like the sower) and is available for free on our website at

The other resource is the Intersections material that CCC has developed over the last several years. This training gives you the tools you need to seize opportunities to share your faith and the gospel. We'll be highlighting this more at our mid-year training in January and I would encourage every Journey Group to use the 6 session study at some point between January and May. If you want more info right now, contact Tim Perry at