Christ Community Church

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Christmas Season Curriculum

Ahh - it's that time of the season when we can enjoy great food, fellowship with family and gear up for the Christmas season. It is also that time when you may find yourself wondering what should our Journey Group study as we near the end of the David series.
There is a Christmas study on the Journey Group Resource page ( to use during the next month. It is entitled:

Advent: Clash of Two Kingdoms

This four-part study looks at the ways that Jesus turned things upside down when he came to Earth. As the introduction to the study says, "[Advent is] more than a nice tale about a baby being born in difficult circumstances. It is the strategy of God and the tactics of the Son. It's about life, death, blood, confrontation, darkness, light, and war. It's the clash of two kingdoms."

You can download this study and make copies for your group at no charge. This study has a leaders guide along with a participant guide. It will help your group focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Take note that there is some other excellent down loadable studies around growing as a RISKS taking follower of Jesus.