Christ Community Church

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double your impact AS A GROUP

What will it look like for you as a Journey Group to "double your impact?"

As our vision continues to grow at Christ Community Church, we're focusing in more and more on making disciples of Jesus for kingdom impact. While we do that, we're now asking - how can we double that impact?

Since this is blog crafted and directed towards mostly (Journey Group) leaders at CCC, I want to ask you, as a leader, what will it look like for your Journey Group to double the impact? What will it look like for the people in your Journey Group to double THEIR impact? How will you lead that charge? Probe that charge? Execute that idea?

I recently met with one of our Journey Group leaders and we were talking about this "double your impact" idea. He took the idea to his Journey Group and they had a great conversation about it. I'm not mandating or suggesting these as the cookie-cutter approach to doubling impact, but for this Journey Group, here is what they came up with:

1. Double the prayer. We're moving past surface things and really sharing deep issues. We're holding ourselves accountable to being more intimate and purposeful about praying for each other. A gal in our group spoke up about the fact that we share things to pray about, but we don't share the real stuff about what is really going on inside us.

2. Double the neighborhood outreach. We want to have some sort of cookout or something in atleast one maybe two of our neighborhoods and invite neighbors. Nothing overly evangelistic, just do it and they will naturally find out we are from the same church.

3. Double the Serving. We will volunteer at the Open Door Mission as a group. (Sidenote: the leader of this JG already has an established relationship with Open Door.) We will go down on a Suariday or something for maybe 3 hours and do some volunteer work and then go out for ice cream or something afterwards to talk about our experience. We will probably do this several times a year.

4. Double scoop. We will hold an Open Door Misson/Lydia House Ice Cream Social. This will be a bigger deal if we do it. We'll provide and serve ice cream for Open Door and the Lydia House. Or we could include some other Journey Groups on this idea as well.

5. Double the missons movement. We will adopt a missonary to pray for as a group every time we meet as a group and we'll keep up with what is going on in their ministry and their lives. If and when they visit Omaha or CCC, we'll get in touch with them and have them personally visit our group.

Again, these are 5 ways for this group to double their impact. Maybe your group is further down the road and these aren't challenging enough. Perhaps your group is just launching and some this looks daunting. These five ideas don't have to be yours and based on the DNA of your Journey Group perhaps they shouldn't be. Either way, ask God for the direction that your group will need as you lead your group to double their impact.

On the double,