Church Update / 7.11.21
On Sunday, July 11, services will be online only!
Please join us for Church at Home at 9 & 10:45 AM.
Based on current OPPD information, power at CCC may not be restored in time for Sunday services on July 11. A CCC team spent time cleaning up debris and searching for other issues. Without power, it’s impossible to know the extent of any potential safety concerns.
Therefore, all on-campus Sunday morning services, groups, classes, and ministries have been canceled. For evening activities, please check with your ministry leader.
We know many in our CCC family are facing issues related to the storm. We are praying for you and are grateful that CCC has prepared for moments like these. We are excited to gather as individuals and families in homes around the city to worship Jesus and learn from God’s Word together!
There are several ways you can join us for Church at Home:
Download the CCC app for your mobile device, Apple TV, or Roku.
For the most immersive experiences (with live chat), join us on Facebook Live or the Church Online platform (