Christ Community Church

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COVID-19 Update / 3.13.20

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LAST UPDATED: 3:45 PM on 3.13.20

Dear church family,

On the night Jesus was betrayed, he said:

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. 

I do not give to you as the world gives. 

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:27 

It was in a time of great turmoil and fear that Jesus spoke those words...and I think we'd all agree that we're grateful his promise still applies today! People are concerned about COVID-19, the media can't stop talking about the virus, the stock markets are getting hammered, and the ripple effects are being felt all over our nation...and the world.   

But the life Jesus invites us into is a life of peace, life to the full, a life where we are fully trusting in him. Because of his death, we no longer need to fear death. Because of his power, we can live by faith in him to love and serve people with great grace. We do not live by the hysteria of the general population, but by faith in Jesus alone.  

Church history reminds us of the countercultural posture of our spiritual ancestors during times of great suffering. In A.D. 252, a devastating plague hit the ancient North African coastal city of Carthage. Healthy people fled in droves, leaving everything behind. In response, Bishop Cyprian drew all of the Christians into the center of the very city where they had been persecuted and told them:

"If we're going to do what Jesus did...I call you to give personal and financial aid, care, and comfort to all according to their need, not their faith."

This unconventional posture clearly differentiated these early Christians from the society that surrounded them and contributed significantly to more and more people putting their trust in Christ. As church leaders, our prayer is that we will have that kind of courageous faith and love, demonstrating our confidence in Christ and in the eternal life he promises to all who trust in him. And, he calls all of us to reach out to those around us who are in need, or without the support of nearby family and friends, demonstrating love in action (1 John 3:16-18).  

As you're likely aware, there are now confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Douglas County, and we will no doubt see those numbers grow. While this virus is primarily spread through close contact, we want to take precautionary measures to create a safe and healthy environment for our church family to gather. We’ll be postponing ministries for the most vulnerable people and canceling events that require travel in the near future. As for Sunday, we have the option of being here at the church live, or joining our online experience. We need the power of Jesus and community more than ever in these moments.

While we reflect Jesus in our faith and actions, we will continue to take recommended precautionary steps to provide a healthy environment at CCC and mitigate the spread of germs. Our leadership team is monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as the Douglas County Health Department, and other churches like ours.  Last Monday, we did a full sanitization of the church including wipedowns, santiation bombs (did you know that they had these?) and extra care to highly touchable areas. This level of high sanitation has been in play for the past month and will continue. The following are other items that will help our sanitation levels.

To minimize your need to touch door handles, our volunteer teams will hold exterior doors open to greet you.

During this portion of the service, we recommend you greet each other with smiles, waves, or the official CCC salute. 

We recommend that you give your tithe and offering online. It is safe, effective and totally germ-free. If you’re joining us live, you can also use the black boxes in the back of the room. 

Seniors Ministry
Doctors are encouraging all 70+ seniors to avoid public gatherings. As such, all of our senior mid-sized groups are postponed. Seniors are also encouraged to join our online experience on Sunday mornings on our website, or on Facebook Live.

Kids and Student Ministries
Sunday morning and evening ministries will happen as normal. Our Wednesday evening ministries are postponed and will follow public school closings. Our Christ In Youth middle school trip is cancelled.

Adult Groups
For the foreseeable future, the following groups will not be meeting:

  • Day Spring

  • Ambassadors

  • Ecclesia

  • Salt

As of now, the remainder of our Journey Groups will continue as normal, but stay in touch with your group leader for details.

Coffee and Food
Our staff and volunteers are diligent in following recommended procedures from the Health Department. They are being extra careful during this time, and you'll notice additional precautions in place in the way food items are made available. 

Online Experience
Our encouragement is to gather with God's people and not let fear win the day. However, if you start feeling sick, we encourage you to join us online, on the CCC app, or on Facebook Live.   

Loving People
As people around you are in a high-anxiety moment, watch for opportunities to love and serve.

While those most vulnerable are the frail elderly and those with an underlying illness, everyone can aid in stopping the spread of the virus by taking time to understand and follow proper prevention measures recommended by the CDC. Here are a few of the basic measures listed on their website:

  • If you or a family member are showing signs of sickness (especially if there's a fever over 100.4), please stay home out of love for others.  

  • Cover your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Toss the tissue in the trash.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.  If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 

Let's keep praying for opportunities here, and for fellow believers around the world, to be a light for Jesus during these times of fear and uncertainty.  

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.”  2 Timothy 1:7

Here to Serve,

Mark Ashton
Lead Minister