Christ Community Church

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Coronavirus and Staying Healthy at CCC

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CCC is staying up-to-date with the progress of COVID-19 around the world, and we are listening to what local and national authorities advise as we determine any necessary response as a church.

As of this post, no guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or other agencies are impacting our normal operations or ministries.

ONE EXCEPTION: Until further notice, we will forego our customary "turn and greet" moment in our worship services.

Most of our main restrooms are completely touch-less: automatic toilets, toilet seat covers for you to use, automatic soap dispensers, sinks and even foot pulls on the restroom doors. The church has provided ample hand sanitizer around our facilities. According to the CDC, washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is one of the best precautions you can take to prevent the spread of the virus. When hand-washing is not possible, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are a recommended alternative.

As with any normal flu season, follow these "common sense" guidelines for keeping yourself and others healthy:

  • Wash your hands regularly

  • Cough or sneeze in the bend of your elbow

  • Don’t touch your face

  • Eat healthy and drink lots of fluids

  • Do not go to work, school, or church if you are sick 

Please join our church leadership as we pray for those who are impacted by or confronting the virus — patients, families, healthcare workers, authorities — and for God's protection over all of us.

CDC Resources