Christ Community Church

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Soul Rhythms: Examine

In the journey to cultivate a healthy soul rhythm, one of the most profound and transformative questions we can ask ourselves is: “Where are you?” Inspired by God’s question to Adam in Genesis 3, this reflection invites us to pause, examine, and step into deeper alignment with him.

The Unexamined Life

Socrates famously declared, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Similarly, Caleb Ashton reminds us, “Never wind up saying ‘I have wasted years of my life because I wasn’t willing to waste hours.’” Without reflection, we can rush through life distracted and aimless, losing sight of what truly matters—God, people, and his mission.

An unexamined life leads to busyness without meaning. It can result in a neglect of God’s presence, misplaced priorities, and a focus on entertainment over eternal significance. Slowing down to examine where we stand helps us re-center on what matters most.

God’s Gentle Question

In Genesis 3, after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they hid in shame. God asked, “Where are you?” This wasn’t a question of geography—it was a question of relationship. His tone wasn’t harsh or condemning. Instead, it was an invitation to reflect, be honest, and take a step toward reconciliation.

God asks us the same question. Where are you in your relationship with me? The answer might reveal fear, shame, distance, or even peace and contentment. Whatever the answer, God invites us to bring it into the light, where healing and growth can begin.

The Power of Examination

Examining your heart begins by answering “Where am I?” To go deeper, consider these questions:

  • What keeps me up at night?

  • Where do I feel most vulnerable or most at peace?

  • When did I feel closest to God?

  • What lies might I be believing about myself or God?

  • What breakthroughs do I need?

Reflection and journaling help uncover the emotions, beliefs, and patterns shaping our lives. It’s a process of bringing the unseen into the light, where transformation can happen.

Replacing Lies with Truth

We often live under the weight of lies—“You’re not enough,” “God doesn’t care about you,” or “You’ll never change.”These lies create destructive behaviors and keep us stuck. But God’s truth has the power to replace these lies and rewire our thinking.

Brain science reveals that our brains are constantly forming new pathways through neuroplasticity. Every time we choose a new thought or habit, we strengthen it, making it easier to choose again. As Dr. Caroline Leaf highlights, even a few minutes of focused prayer daily can significantly change our brains, connecting us to God and healing harmful patterns.

Dan Siegel’s advice is key: “If you name it, you can tame it.” Identifying the lies we believe—whether they stem from trauma, past voices, or the enemy—and replacing them with God’s truth is the first step toward freedom.

Practical Steps for Reflection

To begin examining your soul, take these steps:

  1. Breathe: Spend a few moments in stillness, inviting the Holy Spirit to center your thoughts and calm your heart.

  2. Examine: Reflect on the question “Where am I?” Consider the deeper questions that help you uncover your spiritual, emotional, and relational health.

  3. Identify Lies: Write down any false beliefs that surface and replace them with biblical truths. A verse like John 1:12 (“To all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”) can serve as a powerful reminder of who you are in Christ.

  4. Create New Pathways: Practice meditating on these truths regularly. Over time, this will help establish healthier patterns of thought and behavior.

A Life of Intentional Reflection

Examining your soul is not about perfection; it’s about progress. Even small, consistent steps can create lasting transformation. God’s question, “Where are you?” is not meant to condemn but to draw you closer to him, out of hiding and into grace.

Take time to reflect, examine, and replace lies with truth. In doing so, you’ll discover the peace, purpose, and presence that come from aligning your heart with God’s.

Recap adapted from January 12, 2025, message by Minister Mark Ashton