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Asa: The Chronicles of Judah

Why dive into 2 Chronicles? Because the Bible holds treasure on every page, waiting to reveal its wisdom to us. Today, we explore the story of King Asa, Judah’s first ‘good king.’ Asa’s life is a powerful reminder that full commitment to the Lord leads to blessing, but half-hearted devotion leads to downfall.

Asa’s Early Devotion
Asa’s reign begins with courage and conviction. In 2 Chronicles 14:2-6, we read that Asa "did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord." He tore down idols, smashed altars of false gods, and led his nation back to God. His commitment brought peace and prosperity. For 41 years, Asa ruled, and much of that time was marked by rest from war, as God’s favor rested on the kingdom.

But what makes Asa’s story stand out is his all-in moment. In his 15th year as king, after a massive victory against the Cushites, Asa didn’t just rest on his success—he pressed forward in faith. He gathered the people of Judah to renew their commitment to God. They sacrificed thousands of cattle and sheep, declaring their intention to seek the Lord with all their heart and soul. It was a bold and wholehearted declaration, a powerful picture of what full devotion looks like. They didn’t hold anything back, and as a result, the Lord gave them peace for another 20 years.

Where Are You Holding Back?
Asa’s story asks us a crucial question: Are we all-in for God?

We live in a world where it's easy to hold back—to give God part of our life while keeping control over certain areas. Maybe it’s our career, our relationships, our finances, or our time. We tell ourselves we’re committed, but deep down, we know there are corners of our heart we haven’t surrendered to him.

But Jesus doesn’t ask for a fraction of your life. He calls you to total commitment: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). When you truly follow Jesus, it’s not about adding him into your life as a supplement—it’s about giving him everything. He doesn’t want to rent space in your heart; he wants to own the whole building.

What Full Commitment Looks Like
Imagine what your life could look like if you went all-in with Jesus. What if, like Asa, you made a fresh declaration of commitment—not just with words, but with action? It might mean making bold decisions about how you spend your time, how you treat people, how you give, and how you pursue God’s will.

In 2 Chronicles 16:9, we read, “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” Think about that: God is actively searching the world for people who are fully committed, ready to pour his strength into them.

What would your life look like if you allowed God to strengthen you like that? How different would your prayers sound? How would your decisions change if you knew God was fully behind you, empowering you, because you were fully committed to him?

The Danger of Coasting
But Asa’s story also carries a warning. After decades of peace and prosperity, Asa began to drift. Instead of continuing to trust God, he relied on human solutions. When war threatened again, he raided the temple treasury to bribe another king for help, instead of trusting in the Lord. In his final years, Asa even neglected to seek God when a disease afflicted his feet, choosing only to rely on physicians.

Asa’s downfall reminds us of the danger of coasting in our faith. It’s easy to start strong and then grow complacent, allowing comfort or fear to lead us away from full devotion. We must guard against the temptation to rely on our own strength or wisdom, especially when things get tough.

A Fresh Commitment
As we reflect on Asa’s life, the challenge is clear: Are you holding something back from God? Is there an area where you’ve chosen comfort over obedience, or fear over faith?

This is your moment to make a fresh commitment. Like Asa in his 15th year, we have an opportunity to go all-in for God, to declare our full devotion to him—not with half-hearted words, but with everything we are. What does this look like for you? Maybe it’s a relationship you need to trust God with. Maybe it’s your future, your finances, or your time. Maybe it’s stepping out in faith for something God has been prompting you to do.

Whatever it is, God is searching for people whose hearts are fully committed to him. He wants to strengthen you, to bless you, to use you in ways beyond what you can imagine—but it starts with giving him everything.

The Cost of Coasting
One of the greatest dangers in our spiritual life is coasting—getting comfortable in our faith and not pushing forward. Asa began strong, but in his final years, he settled for less than God’s best. Don’t let that be your story. Don’t settle for comfort when God is calling you to something greater.

Let’s be people who finish strong, who remain fully devoted to Jesus throughout our lives. Let’s commit to being “all-in,” knowing that God is eager to strengthen those who put their trust fully in him.

Your Challenge: All-In, Every Day
Today, I challenge you to examine your heart. Is there something you’re holding back from God? Is there an area where you need to surrender and trust him completely?

Take a moment to pray and ask, “God, what am I holding back? Where do you want me to go all-in?”

And when you find that answer, don’t wait—act on it. Make today a turning point where you fully commit to the Lord. Whether it’s in your work, your family, your finances, or your personal struggles, give it all to him.

Imagine the difference we could make if each one of us fully committed to following Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The impact would be world-changing. And it starts with you.

God is searching for those who will go all-in. Will you be one of them?

Prayer of Commitment:

Lord, today I surrender my whole life to you. I give you my heart, my plans, my struggles, and my future. I choose to go all-in for you. Strengthen me to walk in full obedience, to trust you fully, and to live each day as a reflection of your love and power. Amen.

Blog adapted from September 22, 2024, message by Minister Mark Ashton

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