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Train Your Mind to Hear God

Have you ever stopped to think about the incredible power of the human brain? Consider this: your brain weighs just three pounds, is made up mostly of water and fat, and has over 100 billion neurons that transmit information at 270 mph. Yet, it has no pain receptors, allowing for brain surgeries on awake patients. The average person has about 70,000 thoughts a day. What’s even more fascinating is that the brain physically changes based on our habits, much like how muscles grow in response to exercise. This phenomenon is why repetition matters—because practice doesn’t just make perfect; it changes the very structure of your brain.

All this time, while you've been reading about the brain, your brain has been learning about itself. Mind-blown, right? But what’s the connection between understanding how our brains work and hearing God's voice?

The Mind and Faith

In some Christian circles, the mind is sometimes viewed as antithetical to faith. You might have heard leaders say that faith means believing in something that defies common sense. Critics of Christianity often argue that faith is opposed to intellectualism or science. They might even claim that believing in a higher power is foolish or that morality is an outdated concept.

However, Christianity actually embraces the mind's role in faith. Being created in the image of God means that we are made in the likeness of a divine mind—a mind that thought up DNA, biodiversity, and the complex systems within our bodies. God is the great mind, the all-knowing knower of all things, and we are designed to share in his thoughts.

Renewing the Mind: A Pathway to Knowing God's Will

Romans 12:2 tells us, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will." This verse outlines a two-step process: first, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and second, you will be able to discern God’s will.

If you’re seeking to understand God’s will for your life—whether it’s in crisis management, family decisions, financial stewardship, or life priorities—a transformed mind is your entry point. God wants us to think his thoughts after him. This means aligning our minds with his through practices like meditation, prayer, and immersing ourselves in Scripture.

Resisting Cultural Pressure

In today’s world, the pressure to conform is immense. Whether it’s through social media, news outlets, or popular culture, there’s a constant push to mold our thoughts to fit societal norms. But Romans urges us not to let the world squeeze us into its mold. Instead, we’re called to conform our minds to God’s reality, not the other way around.

Many messages from culture are misleading, such as advertising that equates happiness with consumerism or beauty with unattainable standards. These false messages can lead us astray, but by renewing our minds with God’s truth, we can resist these pressures and think like Jesus.

The Power of Scripture

The Bible is the ultimate source of truth and wisdom. It’s a field of play that sets the boundaries for truth about God, humanity, and morality. Within these boundaries, there is incredible freedom to make wise decisions. Engaging with Scripture consistently—ideally, four times a week or more—has been shown to bring remarkable transformation in people’s lives.

Here are a few practical steps to activate your Bible reading:

  1. Get a Study Bible: Tools like the NIV Study Bible offer great notes and connections between passages.

  2. Immerse Yourself in the Text: See yourself in the stories. Ask, "What if I were in this situation?"

  3. Consistency is Key: Daily engagement with the Bible, even just ten minutes, makes a significant difference.

  4. Write Down Insights: Whether it’s promises, questions, or truths that stand out, writing helps cement these insights.

  5. Align Your Mind with Scripture: When you encounter something in the Bible that challenges your current thinking, ask yourself, “Who is smarter—God or me?” Let Scripture guide your thoughts and actions.

Hearing God's Voice

Hearing God’s voice isn’t just about what we do; it’s about who we are. It’s a reflection of our identity as his children. When we conform our minds to his through Scripture, prayer, and meditation, we align ourselves with his will. God’s word is always effective, accomplishing his purpose every time.

As you engage with Scripture and allow your mind to be transformed, you’ll find it easier to hear from God. His stories will be stored in your long-term memory, and when you face challenges, the Spirit will bring relevant verses to mind. Hearing God is not just an activity; it’s a way of life.

So, what if we all lived this way? What if billions of people loved their neighbors, walked humbly, cared for the poor, and followed the teachings of Jesus? The world would be a dramatically different place.

In conclusion, if you want to hear God’s voice, start by renewing your mind with his word. Let his thoughts become your thoughts, and you’ll find yourself aligned with his will in ways that are both profound and life-changing.

Blog adapted from August 11, 2024, message by Minister Mark Ashton