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Does Jesus Still Heal?

In the heart of the Gospels, we encounter profound stories of Jesus interacting with the broken and marginalized, offering them healing and hope. The Gospel of Matthew, particularly chapters 8 and 9, provides a vivid narrative of these encounters, showcasing not only Jesus' compassion but also his power to heal and transform lives. Let's delve into these passages and uncover the timeless lessons they hold for us today.

Matthew's Perspective on Jesus' Ministry

Matthew, one of Jesus' closest disciples, offers a unique perspective. In Matthew 9:9, we find him at his tax collector booth when Jesus calls him with a simple yet profound invitation: "Follow me." There was something irresistibly magnetic about Jesus that compelled Matthew to abandon his old life and embark on a new journey of faith.

This decision wasn't made in isolation. Matthew immediately gathered his friends, fellow tax collectors, and even some individuals of questionable reputation, for a meal with Jesus. This gathering is a testament to Matthew's understanding of relational influence—he wanted his friends to meet Jesus and experience the transformative power he had encountered. No sermon series or elaborate planning was needed; Matthew just knew that bringing people to Jesus was the most powerful act he could do.

The Pharisees' Challenge and Jesus' Response

As Jesus dined with Matthew and his eclectic group of friends, the Pharisees looked on with disdain. They questioned Jesus' choice of company, asking his disciples why he would associate with "tax collectors and sinners." Jesus' response is profound: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Matthew 9:12-13).

This interaction highlights Jesus' mission—to seek out and save those who are lost. He wasn't interested in maintaining social or religious boundaries but rather in breaking them down to reach those in desperate need of God's grace and healing.

A Series of Miracles in Capernaum

The narrative in Matthew chapters 8 and 9 unfolds in Capernaum, Jesus' ministry headquarters and Matthew's hometown. Here, we witness a series of miraculous events:

  1. Healing a Leper: Jesus touches and heals a man with leprosy, breaking social norms and demonstrating his willingness to embrace the untouchable.

  2. Peter's Mother-in-Law: Jesus heals her fever, showing his concern for everyday ailments.

  3. Demon-Possessed Men: Jesus frees them from their torment, illustrating his power over evil forces.

  4. Calming the Storm: Demonstrating his authority over nature, Jesus calms a raging storm, bringing peace to his disciples.

  5. Paralyzed Man: Jesus forgives his sins and heals his paralysis, highlighting the interconnectedness of spiritual and physical healing.

  6. Raising a Dead Girl and Healing a Bleeding Woman: Jesus' power extends over life and death, offering hope and restoration to the hopeless.

Each miracle is a testament to Jesus' dual mission: proclaiming the arrival of God's kingdom and demonstrating its power through acts of healing and compassion.

Faith and Healing: The Story of the Blind Men

In Matthew 9:27-31, two blind men follow Jesus, calling out for mercy. Jesus engages them with a crucial question, "Do you believe that I am able to do this?" Their affirmative response, "Yes, Lord," leads to their healing. Jesus touches their eyes and says, "According to your faith let it be done to you," and their sight is restored.

This story underscores the power of faith in unlocking divine healing. Jesus' question about their belief isn't just a formality; it's a pivotal moment that invites them to express their faith, which in turn activates his healing power.

Interestingly, Jesus performs the miracle indoors, away from the public eye, and instructs them not to spread the news. This request seems almost impossible to keep, given the profound change in their lives. Yet, it highlights Jesus' desire to manage the timing of his public revelation, avoiding premature attempts by the people to crown him as a political Messiah.

Practical Applications for Us Today

The stories of Jesus' miracles aren't just historical accounts; they carry profound implications for our lives today.

Praying for and with Others

We often underestimate the power and openness of prayer in today's world. Surveys show that a significant majority of people pray, yet many rarely do so out loud or with others. As followers of Jesus, we have a unique opportunity to offer prayer as a tangible expression of God's presence and care.

Whether it's a quick prayer for a neighbor going through a tough time or a more intentional moment of intercession for a friend's healing, our willingness to pray can create powerful moments of connection and hope. As we listen for the Holy Spirit's prompting, we can step into these moments with confidence, trusting that God will work through our prayers.

Trusting God for Healing

At our church, we believe that God's healing power is still active today. Physical, emotional, and spiritual healing are all areas where we can seek and experience God's intervention. Whether through prayer, medical treatment, counseling, or other means, we trust that God is at work bringing wholeness and restoration.

However, we also recognize that healing doesn't always come in the way or timeframe we expect. Sometimes, God uses conventional means like medicine or therapy. Other times, healing might be delayed or look different than we hoped. In all cases, we are called to trust God's goodness and timing.

Embracing the Kingdom of God

Jesus' ministry was marked by a balance of proclamation and demonstration—sharing the good news of God's kingdom and showing its power through acts of compassion and healing. As we follow Jesus' example, we are invited to embody this same balance in our lives.

By offering prayers, seeking healing, and sharing our faith with others, we participate in the ongoing work of God's kingdom. We become conduits of his love and power, bringing hope and healing to those around us.

So, let us embrace the call to follow Jesus closely, to pray boldly, and to trust deeply in his ability to heal and transform lives. As we do, we will witness the incredible impact of his presence and power in our world today.

Blog adapted from June 9, 2024, message by Minister Mark Ashton