Christ Community Church

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CCC's Nursery Renovation

Photos by Marie Dufour

There haven’t been many changes to the nursery in the twenty-nine years I’ve attended CCC. About ten years ago, we painted a few walls and added some graphics to the walls, so we are so excited to share that CCC has started renovation of the nursery!

This renovation would not be possible if not for the foresight and love of a wonderful woman’s legacy and the endowment she left to CCC to be used for families and kids. What better way to honor her, and to celebrate our 100th year, than to invest some of that money in the next generation! As a church that cares for and invests in the next generation, we want our space for these little ones to reflect the love and care our staff and volunteers have for these babies.

These children are the next generation who will carry on where this generation has left off, and they may still be here when CCC celebrates its 200th anniversary. In order to see another 100 years of ministry, we must invest in the lives of those who will shepherd the church one day.

Scroll through these images to see some “before” and “during” photographs

As we looked at remodeling the nursery, we determined that we would several changes:

  1. Change the current Nursery entrance off the Atrium into a Family Care room. Parents with wiggly or fussy kids can still engage with the service via streaming on a tv, while the kids can play with toys and get the wiggles out.

  2. Renovate the Nursing Moms’ room and move the entrance from inside the nursery to the Worship Center hallway, making the room more accessible for nursing moms.

  3. Create a new nursery entrance inside the secure Kids wing. Parents will take their child to the child’s classroom and have a secure space to leave strollers and car seats. Parents and nursery volunteers will be able to build relationships and trust with each other.

  4. Update the nursery with fresh carpet and paint, as well as better safety/security and usability.

CCC started the remodel on April 28 and it should be completed this summer. We are so excited to share this beautiful new disciple-making space with the families who already attend CCC and those who will come in the future!

Check out this video for more details from our Executive Director of Next Generation Ministries, Dan McClannan.