Finding Treasure
It was obviously the first time he had held a treasure of his own. Clutching it to his chest, two arms wrapped around, a spring in his step and a giggle in his voice, not containing the excitement over the precious treasure he held. He looked down at the box clutched to his chest and then up at me, eyes sparkling with anticipation as he thrust his treasure toward me. Every cell in his body said, “THIS is precious.” I asked if I could have a closer look, and he eagerly raised the treasure just a little and released the tight grip he had on the box. I gently took it, carefully communicating the same care and wonder as I opened the box and saw the gold edging on the pages and name imprinted on the front, carefully running my hand over the leather cover and binding and returning it to the box. “THIS is a very, very special gift.” Because this treasure – his precious Bible, will last long in his heart. I watched as he showed his treasure to every adult who would look – offering them a peek in the box, thrusting it outward and upward. And each adult responded with misty eyes – perhaps reminded of this treasure they so often take for granted.
This 5th grade boy is new to church and new to this treasure he holds. Before he came to church, he wondered why God created him so miserable. After one Sunday in KidsWorld, he told a pastor, “I actually think God wants me to be happy!” And now he holds in his proud possession, the key to this joy that he has found.
All of us who came in contact with this boy that Sunday seemed to hold our Bibles a little tighter to our chests that day, convicted of the apathy and moved toward the awe of what those pages contain. I have a feeling this boy’s treasure will become tattered, gold will wear from the pages turned and read over and over again. I have a feeling his family will be changed – for generations – because of the way he reveres God’s Word. May we all carry this precious treasure of God’s Word well.