Spiritual Parenting
Spiritual parenting is not perfect parenting! Most parents judge their success by the behaviors that their children exhibit. I would like to propose that the goal in parenting is to pass on a vibrant transforming faith so our children hear and discern God's voice, desire to obey God's voice in the power of God's spirit. Ephesians 5:15-17 speaks of being wise, not unwise and the importance of making the most of every opportunity. As parents we want to redeem the time (all the moments) that we have with our children. This is our role as spiritual parents.
In order to redeem the time we have with our children we desire to place our children in the path of the divine so that they grow to know, love and follow Jesus. I can control the behavior of my children but I can't cause the internal change; heart change is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit. That is why we as parents we want to place our kids in environments where God can be put on display.
I remember the relief I experienced when I acknowledged it is not my job to cause my children to have a transforming faith. Placing that responsibility where it beings, in the hands of our redeeming, transforming God allowed me to set aside a burden that I was erroneously carrying. It also helped me to dispel the lie that managing behavior resulted in spiritual growth in my children. This doesn't mean I ignore my responsibility to train my children but I do this with the confidence that God knows what my children need more than I do. God is the source I draw from as I parent.
The curriculum utilized by CCC in Kids Connect has a parent component called HomeFront. Each week an environment (way in which God is placed in a child's path) is highlighted in the HomeFront weekly. Take notice of this section of your HomeFront to help you grow in your knowledge of how to spiritually lead your children. Next time you walk by the large wood walls in the Kid's Connect hallways, read the 10 environments on the board. Want to know more? Purchase the book "Spiritual Parenting" at the media booth in the atrium. Another way to learn more is to take the Spiritual Parenting class OR even better, use the DVD series with your Journey Group or others. Call the Kids Connect office to reserve the Spiritual Parenting curriculum for your group.
Portions of this blog were adapted from "Spiritual Parenting" by Michelle Anthony